Serapis Bey, Keeper of the White Flame via Tim Whild #magick #ufo #fundie

<Tim> You know that things have got big here on Earth when they get the attention of the Intergalactic Council.

There has been so much outcry, heartbreak, vitriol, division, and outspokenness in relation to the removal of the statue of the Divine Mother from her alcove in the Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury.

From an energy perspective I sincerely doubt that the gardens have ever received so many divided emotions as they are usually a place a silence and tranquillity.

People walk through the gates feeling burdened, looking to have their Earthly shackles gently tended to and removed by the angelics, elementals, dragons, unicorns, ascended masters and many others who attend the gardens. It is a space of true Heaven on Earth.

The waters that move through the divine land there have a frequency like none other.
We all know why the statue of the Divine Mother (amongst others) was removed from her space and placed in the meadow spot.

Reflecting on the vibration that was perceived by many during the Solstice I decided to ask Serapis Bey and Mother Mary about the situation and whether they were aware of it.

Both Masters serve on the Intergalactic Council and Mary, Mother of Jesus, is now a dedicated representative of the Council serving Earth due to her extensive experience with this world.
<Serapis> I spoke with Mary earlier today in our own gardens and she could barely speak to me through her tears.
Mary’s tears of joy for the Divine Mother flowed for days as she celebrated the recognition and the utmost adoration for this energy which is the purest essence of love moving throughout the Universe.

In the centre of Glastonbury, in the Divine Gardens of the Chalice Wells, there has been an ignition of something so pure and powerful that it will spread throughout the world and be imbued in the consciousness of the Collective.

Oh, how we love her! A flame has been ignited within the hearts of all who seek the path and it is the Flame of Adoration.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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