Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia

RE: I am tired. Can we talk about male violence without trans issues injecting themselves into the discussion?

Men love to slither in, especially where they are not wanted.


There was a vigil for Sarah Everard in my town. The sign at the top of the memorial? "Protect trans women."

From what? Murdered women? Fuck you.


Do you have a picture? I want to start collecting this type of thing. (Idk if there is a way to share it without being traceable to you. I think there should be more articles, even if just in feminist news outlets, about this centring of dicks that is nauseating)

“Definition” in this case means “lies”. They are not women. They have no business having anything to do with women. They are the rapists and murderers, just as are the men who aren’t transvestites.

Everything must be about the TIMs!! They´re huge narcissists and can´t stand mere "cis women" getting all the attention!!! And they get all the help from their handmaidens who are so worried about them because they are the most vulnerable women in the world! Protect the trans UWU! /s

I hope this will peak more women. Now we literally can´t even talk about feminicides without the trans wanting the spotlight.

I'm fed up of seeing libfems call out male violence and criticize the phrase "not all men" while also attacking ~TERFs~ for not wanting males in women's spaces. It's literally just "not all males" and I don't understand how they just won't fucking see it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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