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National-Rodgerist manifesto


National-Rodgerism is the ideology of the Incel. It is a tool for the incel to take what he is owed, through political means. In this book, I will not only cover the ideology of National-Rodgerism, but I will present my theory on how to achieve a National-Rodgerist revolution. This is the political ideology of Moonman, so it may also be referred to as “Moonman thought”.

Part 1: revolution

National-Rodgerism does not seek to thrive through democratic means. No, National-Rodgerism is completely revolutionary. By this, I mean that if we vote for a president or prime minister, it’s not because we actually support his or her’s policies, but because we want to elect a president or prime minister that will accelerate the collapse of the nation as soon as possible so that a National-Rodgerist uprising is possible, and eventually a National-Rodgerist revolution. It is not possible to elect a National-Rodgerist president or prime minister through democratic means, mostly because the females and cuckolds will show total resistance, even Men’s Rights Activists will oppose our “radical” party. We must strive for societal collapse, and systematic collapse.

We, as National-Rodgerists, must strive to accelerate a nuclear war. When a nuclear war happens, when the ZOG capitalist nations destroy each other, we as National-Rodgerists intend to Survive the nuclear war. We are not retarded like normies, we shall not stay in big cities or other valuable targets for nuclear strikes, we must hide out in small villages, far away as possible from big cities, government infrastructure, and other valuable targets for nuclear warheads. We, as National-Rodgerists, must arm ourselves at all times, and resist any attempt to take away our firearms. We need the firearms for a revolution, after the nuclear war, when the system is weak from being nuked, we shall strike at the system and finish it off! The system will be weaker from the nuclear war, so then we might have a better chance at overthrowing them and starting a revolution. Ideally, we will conquer the United States after being nuked, and then start a new country. However, this might not be the case, because there might be other revolutionaries, such as communists and antifa who wish to take the throne and start the revolution instead. […]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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