robchen96 #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia
Under free market capitalism, people have high living standard than left leaning socialism country. True. Capitalism is the only one dragged people out of property to become a member of productive socially than a left leaning socialism, somewhat yes and no? Capitalism brings technology from smartphones to better internet speed, which is good.
But here's a thing. I am using NATO and former Warsaw pact as an example
1. Under NATO’s free market i.e capitalism, which is flooded by middle eastern and northern African immigrants flee from war torn nation thanks to democracy. For the population that were mostly indoctrinated; bribed, placed most people in a golden cage called high living standard, and worst degraded with material pleasure. Growing up in capitalism/free market economy were money and greed is the main driving force for people who enjoying high living standard, which means late to form a families or no interest in relationships in some way in another while being replaced by migrants = “White Suicide.”
Feminism on the other hand poison the most people like men formed MGTOW thanks to men hater or other feminist movement despite they already have equal right, but it's not enough.
With the success of LGTQ+ culture in Nato country, the rise of drag queens story hours and abandoned the belief of Christianity to embrace new liberal culture.
2. Under the post Warsaw Pact’s Socialism had fewer or no immigrants. Like Poland fighting for nationalism against migrants and cultural degeneracy because most generations don’t grow up in a capitalist/free market country.
Most good looking Men and Women who live under post socialism or under socialism were traditionalism. Their are some feminism too, but they are still fighting back on this culture war
Homosexual were treated poorly during that time as well as post socialism eastern European in some areas.
Question for you
Which countries survive the most in another economy collapse: capitalist country with high living standard or fairly stable economy under post socialism or socialist country?
What is the worst?
Left leaning socialism: hit by the rock
Capitalism: hit by a bomb
Side Note: Socialism can be bad too i agree, but what they have done less damage to most of the country like east Europe and some Asian countries as well.