Tim_in_Indiana & Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com
RE: China Inc Will Recycle Used White Guys
As corporations try to make their ranks more ethnically representative, many experienced – if white and older – males will find themselves without a job. Chinese companies, deterred from acquiring U.S. firms with valuable intellectual property, can recruit their discarded human capital instead.
I would love to see these diversity-obsessed corporations fold and be replaced by new ones that celebrate talent and ability, and compete on that basis rather than on government handouts and preferences, but that will only happen if we defeat the scandalously fraudulent election steal which the left is currently trying to perpetrate on this country. Fortunately, I fully expect that to happen.
(Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов))
this is why america is doomed.. and the rise of china is inevitable... chinese people dont have diversity quotas.. i cant wait for apple and the other SJW companies to fail when they start hiring inferior folks due to the amount of melanin in their skin
The weakening of the USA is a BLESSING to the world. The United States exports feminism, and negro worship through it's culture to the entire world. The USA is a nation led by criminals. They fund terrorists in Syria, they over throw democratically elected officials in foreign nations, they sanction nations that want only to keep their sovereignty, and they are the MUSCLE behind the international Bankers who exploit smaller nations. It is a evil entity in every way.
And as a bonus, the system in place seeks to ERASE and ENSLAVE its White male population.