#magick #quack #conspiracy

How Does One Best A Witch?

With this. And only with this.
I’ve named it AETHER,
and you can have some for free.
Intrigued? Read on.

There’s never been a better time to be a “bad witch.”
It’s never been more culturally accepted. Most people would jump at the chance to fall into such a storied lifestyle.
How could they not?
You, me, and everyone else have been besieged by alluring — and downright sexy — portrayals of bleak magick.
Harry Potter serves as a perfect introduction. It made the idea of learning magick with a secretive group an enchanting prospect. Every child who soaked the book in desired, above all else, a reality that could compare.
The trend continued. More and more media arrives in perfect timing with its audience, properly seasoned as to best capture our attention at every age.
It ain’t no wingardium leviosa.

But let’s be honest. What’s the point of investigating this topic, anyhow? None of this amounts to anything in the end.
For magick does not exist.
That’s the typical outlook, right?
No such thing as magick. Thus, no such thing as witches.
You’re free to believe what you will. However, many an organization, order, sect, cult and club think otherwise.
Satanism and Wicca — the fastest growing non-major religion in America [1][2][3] — are quite fond of their rituals. Wiccans are proud to admit that they partake in these actions, but few Satanists tell you the same.
Despite their shyness in being forward with the details, magick and ritual are a large part of their curriculum.
Freemasonry is a widespread yet secretive group, with some form of lodge in nearly every city in the world.
It is almost entirely ritual based.
In practice they employ an energetic methodology which is strikingly similar to Kabbalistic magick. If you’re interested, look it up.
It’s gnarly stuff. Or at least, it was . . .

Until Aether came along.
You have your dark witches, and you have your white witches.
The thing is that the Darker Sorts are much, MUCH more aggressive in their recruiting. With the aforementioned media conditioning their job is nigh effortless.
The only recruiting you’ll see for good witches is, well, me. And a few smaller groups who desire to clear this reality’s muck. They aren’t all that common.
If we’re comparing numbers, it amounts to a single drop in the bucket.
As it stands today, millions of aspiring dark witches are in your schools.
Your workplaces.
Your malls, bars and clubs.
That’s right. Millions. With an M.
And if you’re not with them, you’re likely their food.
Tired of being food? Aether is your way out.
Hop on board. Shake up society a little.
Or at the very least, take a quick look around.
Scroll down a bit, maybe. Read a little.
An informed public is an empowered public.
And an empowered public is the key to real change.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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