Mike Stone #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Like me, you've probably never heard of Ally Carter, but you've certainly heard a lot about everything she has to say: Freemason cops, MK Ultra, underground tunnels, satanic ritual child abuse, Hollywood elites raping children, and it only goes on from there.

In this 25 minute long video, Carter, 27, tells Stew Peters about her time as a sex slave to the elite.

Of being transported via underground tunnels from Universal Studios and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to parties where she met and "serviced" Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Steven Perry, John Travolta (I thought he was gay), Beyonce, and many others.

Donald Trump? Carter says Trump is the only celebrity/political figure she never saw.
MK Ultra is real," Carter says.

Apparently, there are "millions" of more children just like her undergoing the same abuse. All those kids that go missing every year? This is where they end up. Some have their limbs chopped off to prevent them from running away. Others are murdered after being raped and then have their organs sold to hospitals. Still others have their blood drained, which Carter says is used as some sort of fountain of youth.
Carter corroborates what others have long said about child trafficking, underground tunnels and MK Ultra sex slaves. It is mind control programming. It is all about control. "It's like someone has the remote to someone's life."

Cathy O'Brien said much of the same in her book "Transformation of America", the most disturbing book I've ever read. But reading about it on the internet or in a book is quite different than hearing it straight from the mouth of someone who was actually trapped in that world.

Why didn't Carter tell the cops, you ask? She did, only in her words, "They're all complicit. They're all customers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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