The birdpill (also called beakpill ) is a cousin of the dogpill and the beastpill and these pills fall under the blackpill spectrum.
It involves the realization that most foids would rather fuck a bird than most human males.
“It involves the realization that most foids would rather fuck a bird than most human males.”
Just because random thoughts appear in your head, that’s not a reason to believe them, much less base a ‘pill’ on them. It’s not a ‘realization’ if you’re making shit up.
Did you talk to ANY women about this? Any at all, much less ‘most’ women?
Without direct female testimony, what have you observed that supports this conclusion? Women’s magazines being full of bird pictures? Articles on where to get your own turkey? Budgie accessory ads?
This is as insipid as the state congressman who thought ‘furries’ were actually using litter boxes in schools…
If by "most human males" you mean "raging misogynistic assholes, lots of which would be a kiddy diddler in a heartbeat" then I could see your argument.
Though, I'm also pretty sure unless you're talking some furry (or in this case feathery) stuff, birds really can't fuck humans. Unless this is an idiot along the lines of that ridiculous chameleon post.
You know, when Becky told you she would rather fuck a bird than date you, she meant it figuratively , not in a literal sense.
You think people want to have sex with birds? That's sick .
Ill-eagle too.
Birds would prefer being vaccinated from your Mind Virus: emu nised.
So you think people fuck birds? Is the 'info' you received propagander ...?!
Thinking the way you do, you're stark raven mad.
With that attitude to women, you'll never pick up chicks .
In Soviet Turkey, bird roasts you.
The same bird would say 'Go pluck yourself! '
You can be compared with a certain bird as you're owl by yourself.
You don't live in a society, manbabies:
You're ostrich sised.
Fuck a bird? How does he imagine that even works? Anyway, birds have sharp beaks and sharp claws and I certainly wouldn't let one get anywhere near my genitals.
I doubt any women are fucking birds, but I think I wouldn't be wrong to guess that some editors of this incel wiki like to jerk off to fantasies of hot "chicks" doin' it with Falco Lombardi from Star Fox.
@Bastethotep #121895
I doubt incels know about Greek myths ir deities. Or, like everything else, they misunderstand it. Then think the misunderstanding gives them something to preach about.
It doesn't and tgey don't think
@Conscience #121901
So, I’ve decided to look, and actually, I was right - and there is indeed a rather lengthy section about it.
(I did not inflict it upon myself to read it.)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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