Joe Rogan and Ian Carroll #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #magick #crackpot

On the Mar. 5, 2025 episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe Rogan interviewed Ian Carroll[…]
When another X user accused Carroll of being an “intel plant,” Carroll responded that an “intel plant wouldn’t do a two hour presentation about pizza gate and child trafficking and Epstein and Oprah and Hollywood exposing” how “child sexual blackmail” is being used to “control the government.”[…]
Rogan broached the subject of Pizzagate, telling Carroll that Edgar Maddison Welch was used to stop people from investigating it

“Do you think stuff like Pizzagate — like when they had that guy come in and fire off that shot, I felt like that was a great way to put a halt to all the looking into the Podesta emails,” Rogan said. “‘Cause then all of the sudden it’s a kook thing”[…]
Rogan asked Carroll if he “ever looked into the Oklahoma City bombing”[…]Rogan claimed that the “amount of damage to the building is not something that you would get from a fertilizer bomb,” and that FBI agents retrieved undetonated bombs from the building

He also referred to the right-wing terrorist attack[…]as a “false flag” to pass gun control legislation[…]
Carroll used that as a chance to bring up 9/11, which he called “the perfect example of that kind of false flag.” He also claimed that World Trade Center 7 was demolished in order to destroy “information about the planning of the attack” and “other things that needed to go away”[…]
“Remember Jenny McCarthy?” Rogan asked. “They smeared the shit out of Jenny McCarthy because she was suggesting that her child changed after her child was vaccinated, and her child got autism. And this is when they were doin’ the multi vaccines in one day, dosin’ kids up.”[…]
“I had [the host] Ky Dickens on the podcast the other day and she explained the whole thing,” Rogan claimed. “Like, provable. Hours and hours and hours of nonverbal autistic kids who have telepathy. Provable telepathy. Undeniable. Hundred percent accuracy. Wild. Wild stuff



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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