Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Good evening. I shall begin with the astonishing assertion that the modern democrat party is the best thing going for Christianity. Before I prove my thesis, note my avoidance of "democratic", since these unwitting servants of the gospel are anything but. Don't bother with a Google search for "democrat party". They will immediately correct your spelling to "democratic party". If you seek anything critical of democrats, be prepared to wade through countless pages of glowing praise. One would think both the DNC and their big tech enablers were legitimate entities.

Their persecution of the faith confirms the Bible prediction, thus strengthening the believers' faith. Recall the Battle of Britain to know that human nature requires resistance to bullying and tyranny. Thirdly, we can reliably take our cue from folks seduced into a backward paradigm. If they oppose it, it has to be a good thing.

Then there are the consequences of unbelief. The Book confirms strong delusion, for one. No rational mind can change its sex or race on a whim. Is it rational to coddle Islam, which takes a sword to the sacred cows of homosexuality and feminism?--or to attack the patriots who espouse a strong border? It is a reprobate mind that lusts after children via drag queen story hours. Ditto for one that decides against parenthood at the moment of birth, taking advantage of democrat laws allowing termination. As the list is a long one, I shall move on.

Our leftist friends also confirm the supernatural in their gibbering hatred of the president, its kneejerk triggering of no earthly origin. Perhaps the unseen entities riding them are channeling their master's ire at the president's anti-globalist agenda. It's a pipe dream the left has nursed since the Tower of Babel.

Finally, scoffers confirm the prophetic account, be it Tribulation or Second Coming. Evil men are indeed waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Though long a truism, the end-times American model charts on an exponential curve. After all, the U S is the final obstacle to the left's communist hell on earth. Since the Evil One is the conductor of this infernal orchestra, this, ironically, makes him the greatest dupe of all.

I shall now return to the relative sanity of black and white vintage TV. Good night.

(Includes photo of Alfred Hitchcock, not included here)



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