various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist

( @DebNixt )
@ElfReich What are called humans are not all humans. There were beings here before humans. Cain mixed with them because he was already mixed (satan's seed). But now most of us have fornicated and adulturated the humans. That's why our corrupted DNA must be changed. Not by vaccines but by the Spirit Power of the Lord God Almighty.

( @ElfReich )
@DebNixt There are still a very large portion of unmixed Whites. They are currently trying to fool many through adding a false 1% Sudanese black to their DNA ancestry tests

( @DebNixt )
@ElfReich I didn't know that about the Dna ancestry tests. I've never done mine because I'm not sure what they will do with the results. But I'm white with darker hair and green eyes. I tan easily, so I wonder if my ancestry has been corrupted somehow. I hope not. But Thank the Lord God Almighty for Jesus Christ so that can be purified. That's my only hope.

( @ElfReich )
@DebNixt White people tan ... That is normal. We come in a vast array of hair & eye colors. Don't forget that we branched into tribes so we have variety. I just tell people to keep away from those tests as they are harvesting and selling DNA data and the results they provide cannot be trusted.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@DebNixt @ElfReich Correct, the canaanite Jews are descendants of the serpent seed, that is why they are destroying along with other jews the world

( @goodmorningpatriots )
@ElfReich And if God did not love white people, he would not have made them.

( @ElfReich )
@goodmorningpatriots They are his people of his son, White Adam... He loves them that is for certain.

( @phatbottom6 )
@ElfReich God is a nationalist not a globalist. He'd be horrified to see what is being done in his name today from and organised religion standpoint. We were meant to be friendly with one another and trade. That is what he meant by love one another. He did NOT mean to interbreed and mix and become a bunch of mudbloods.



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