Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut

Today, the Supreme Court issued a decisive verdict in FAVOR of Presidential Immunity.

This decision is a massive victory against the Democrats’ weaponized government. Democrats have been hellbent on weaponizing every facet of our government against Joe Biden’s leading political opponent and the people that support his movement.

While the 2020 election case against President Trump was just another of Joe Biden’s many political persecutions, the challenge presented by President Trump’s lawyers and affirmed by the Supreme Court provides necessary legal protections to every president, regardless of party.

If a president cannot work without the fear of being endlessly prosecuted for every action he takes after leaving office, he will never be able to exercise sound judgment and lead our nation.

President Trump executed his presidential duties following the 2020 election as any good president should have—not to overturn the results, but to ensure that an election riddled with fraud and irregularities wasn’t illegitimately certified.

Today’s ruling from the Supreme Court ends the insane 2020 election case against President Trump once and for all and is a great victory for the American people!
2:50 AM · Jul 2, 2024 · 183K Views
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