DeepSea #crackpot #pratt #psycho #sexist
The René Guyon Society's motto was 'Sex before 8 or else it's too late'. This was just meant to shock people, I believe, but the sentence does make sense if one doesn't literally interpret 8-years old as the ultimate limit.
The more one waits, or has to wait, to start sexual experiences, the more difficult it gets to jump into it. Ideally, people should gain experience in all aspects of life while their brain still has a large part of its neuroplasticity.
Age of consent laws are not just problematic because they repress the sexuality of adult men, but also because they repress the sexuality of minors themselves. A 13-year old boy who wants to have sex but can't because girls are not attracted to him is out of luck in today's society. Every day, he is surrounded by provocatively dressed girls who won't ever date him. He has to watch his male peers engage in PDA and brag about doing sexual stuff with girls, while he rots in loneliness, at a time when his sex drive is at its peak.
It is better to lose your virginity as a teen than as a grown man. In fact, a study found that adolescent boys aged 12-14 who had their first-time with an adult woman were signficantly more likely to remember the experience positively than adult men who had their first time with an adult woman.
There is no good reason not to allow teenagers to buy sex. It's much easier for a 13-year old boy to begin seeing prostitutes than it is for a 22-year old virgin who might already have become damaged from years of rejection and frustration.
Modern society has greatly exacerbated the sexual repression and social isolation of males. This is, in my opinion, the worst case of abuse young males suffer in rich countries, and it causes much more psychological damage to than the so-called "child sexual abuse" that the media loves to talk about.