Can we talk about Ellis Island yet? The romanticization of the immigrant over and above the traditional American for generations has led inevitably to this.
We've talked briefly about the various "woke" forces allied against the traditional white American. It's been mentioned before that some of the worst are Irish Catholics. Look at Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy and now the Commander in Thief Biden. Ted Kennedy pushed for the Hart Celler Act that stopped favoring white Europeans over the rest of the world and throughout his career he pushed for more non-white immigration. Senator Patrick Leahy has championed the non-white over and over again. Obviously, not all Irish Catholics are this way, but many of their political leaders are.
During one of the debates between Trump and Biden, Biden accused Trump of being prejudiced against his (Biden's) Irish ancestors. It's like the guy wants to be seen as a victim so he can get victim points, be proclaimed a martyr.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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