Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut
RE: Indian vs. Black: Vigilante Killings Upend a South African Town
Racial harmony in the Rainbow Nation.
I would watch this on PPV. Beats most of the recent stuff on PPV.
I have never known anyone who was neither white nor black who liked blacks.
Nobody likes them. Including themselves. They kill more of their own kind than anyone else does.
(Francis Galton)
Indians and blacks kill each other in black-ruled South Africa, and they still try to pin the blame on whitey. The most ridiculous example of that I have ever seen is in Adam Rutherford's book How to Argue with a Racist. He blamed Whites for the Rwandan genocide of one group of blacks by another group of blacks.
As far as I remember, it was already used in 1998 (?) in the campaign against the then Yugoslavia, guilt ridden Bill Clinton who was blamed for overlooking tha massacre in Rwanda decided to right the wrong in Yugoslavia.
Well, the way I heard it went down was like this - the US went into the Balkans to protect and help all the White Europeans, while they left the African blacks to fend for themselves in Rwanda, because they didn’t care about black lives, because at the time black lives DIDN’T matter as the do now in our more enlightened, woke times. They didn’t care about black bodies (Ah! Ah!) but they did about White Bodies. See how it’s capitalized, conveying respect?
(San Francisco Cynic.... )
Indians managed to succeed in a hostile environment DESPITE the restrictions of apartheid, thanks to significantly higher intelligence than Blacks. I visited South Africa while Apartheid was still the law and saw first-hand how Indians successfully seized opportunities and managed to improve their lot within one generation. Blacks -lacking compassion or a talent for self-reflection - lash out at ANYONE who is able to succeed since on a deep level they recognize their own ingrained inadequacy. It's why they HATE the success of Asians in the US.