Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon
The man in the picture above was accused of sexual assault by conniving Jezebel Zoe Quinn. Are the allegations true? We'll never know because he's dead now. Game developer Alec Holowka killed himself on Saturday morning. His suicide followed his public drumming out of the industry as a result of Quinn's accusations.
Quinn, it should be noted, is the predatory tart whose escapades may have incited #GamerGate. Since then she's ridden the professional victimhood gravy train, raising $80,000 for a Kickstarter she failed to deliver on, landing a writing gig at Vertigo which helped kill the imprint, and failing upward to another writing job at Marvel.
If I were Holowka's next of kin, I would file a wrongful death suit against Zoe Quinn. But I'm not, and she is unlikely to see the inside of a courtroom. The human hunger for perfect justice despite its absence from this world testifies to the reality of divine justice.
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[In the comments section…]
xavier: Her twitter name and the image are very telling. Unburnt witch and a pentagram image. Striking no? I look at her and fear God's divine justice. That could be me too.
Niemeier: It's convenient when they waive the witch test and just declare their allegiance openly.