Vladimir Soloviev #crackpot #pratt #racist twitter.com

We aren’t warring with Ukraine-because Ukraine is a Nazi invention, created by Polish, German and American imperialists. This creation, like brain cancer, devours the ability to remember and to think of those who live on it, turning (especially the youth) into cruel zombies. Ukraine, or “Outskirts” in Russian, has for ages being called those Russian lands which are at the line of contact with the other side.

Similarly the far east is not a government or nation, but-like Ukraine-Russian land on the eastern border of Russia. And if anyone says there are differences in language, well there are the Tatarstan Republic, the Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Dagestan etc. Once again, there will be a Ukrainian Republic. What’s the problem? Ukraine isn’t going anywhere, but it will be under our protection.

Today we are rectifying a historic injustice-liberating a part of Russia-Kyivan Russ, from it’s Anglo-Saxon and Jewish colonizer occupiers, the hands of which are covered up to their elbows in the blood of different people, which they don’t consider human.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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