Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia
RE: Women: We don’t wear makeup to impress men we wear it for ourselves! Study says otherwise
(The kissless)
Study here proves you are wearing makeup to impress men, compete with other women, and get dates/sex with men.
one of the reasons i hate women, chronic lack of responsibility, they are slimly cunti irresponsible herd children,
imagine putting on make up and complaining about responsibility
(Cope or die)
It is a tool to give them yet another advantage on the sexual market. Especially in this day and age foids will do anything to get as much advantage on the market so they can get chad. Think about it. Everything today is made to give foids the absolute advantage. Make up, plastic surgery, wigs and weave, social media, dating apps, welfare and entitlement programs, affirmative action, no slut-shaming, body "positivity", I can go on all day.
If it was allowed, all women would walk around completely naked in public as well. What better way to attract men than wearing the least amount of clothes possible? And we all know that no woman is ever satisfied with any man. He can be Christiano Ronaldo or Beckham in his prime. Or Dolph Lundgren in his prime.
The most water is wet study I’ve ever seen holy shit.
I’ve noticed that if something is really uncomfortable or grotesque wrongthink, then the standard of proof for it is set astronomically high. “Are you the world’s foremost authority on [insert uncomfortable subject] with multiple peer reviewed papers published, having used the entire world’s population as your sample size? No? Then you’re definitely, 100% wrong”. Religion tier bullshit. Everyone with a pulse knows that foids paint their faces in competition for chad’s attention.
Imagine how high the standard of proof is for proving that there are only 2 sexes.