Various commenters #transphobia

( littleowl12 )
"Transactvism erases lesbians" Jammidodger: nuh-UNH

Here's Jammidodger again. Lesbians are like, so TODALLY RONG about twanz people erasing their community.

1. Nuh-UNH that is so not true!
2. Besides, not all trans guys identified as lesbians before transition. (We know that, Jamie. We call them Gaydens).
3. And anyway, many many many many many MANY trans women are proud lesbians, but terfs just IGNORE THAT!
4. Terfs think that trans men are women who have been brainwashed into trying to get male privilege while trans women are men trying to invade women's spaces BUT
5. That doesn't track because TWAW and TMAM.
Jammi doesn't wonder why many many many many MANY TIMs view themselves as lesbians. Nor does she wonder why she doesn't.

She just knows that lesbians are WRONG and MEAN! because of her circular logic. In her other videos she hints that she just might be a bisexual man, btw. In theory. This is interesting because she's not the first lesbian TIF on youtube to eventually identify as a gay man. Finn did this, too.

Her poor girlfriend really needs to run for the hills.

Jammi has a sponsorship from a language app and she's currently learning Creole. She bragged that she can finally work out a little bit of what her girlfriend's family are saying. They must find this annoying. I can only imagine Jammi is hearing words like "ridiculous" and "white" and "girl" and "thinks" and "she's" and "a" and "man."

Jammi is coming across as angrier and angrier and honestly a little desperate. She's skipping the good-natured, patient, condescending "educator" act. Now she's cross and has simply had it with our nonsense. She's a British Rom Com heart throb, god dammit! So seriously, fuck all you! You, and you, and especially YOU!

( ALesbian )
#3. It's impossible to ignore "trans lesbians." They're everywhere, threatening real lesbians with "corrective" rape and throwing temper mantrums.

( hmimperialtortie )

she's currently learning Creole

Sounds like she’d be better off learning English first.

( butchplease )
What trans activism gives us: men who call themselves lesbians and try to rape actual lesbians

What trans activism takes away from us: actual lesbians



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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