hmimperialtortie , pennygadget & ProxyMusic #transphobia

RE: The Abelism of Trans Activism

( hmimperialtortie )
There’s a post about the coming self-inflicted woes of TiPs with dementia, but the flipside that occurs to me with this is TIM so-called nurses or carers losing their shit with dementia patients or those with any other cognitive impairment when they don’t address the TIMs as laydees. Women are already punished for not wanting male perverts staffing women’s wards - how long before age care facilities kick out residents for being twaaaaansphobes?

( pennygadget )

but the flipside that occurs to me with this is TIM so-called nurses or carers losing their shit with dementia patients or those with any other cognitive impairment when they don’t address the TIMs as laydees.

I'm kicking myself for forgetting this one.

Sadly, I can totally see TIM caregivers losing their shit because a 90 year old woman with Alzheimer's refuses to learn their pronouns and/or refuses to let them help her in the shower. This prospect is especially scary because the nature of the disease means the victim usually can't report abuse (and even if they do report it, nobody will believe them). 😥

( hmimperialtortie )
Oh yes, it’ll happen. As will TIMs being among the male staff who rape women in these homes (if it hasn’t already).

( ProxyMusic )
TRAs have been focusing on "educating" people in the nursing/care home industry - and the even larger at-home care industry - for years now. There are already training materials and "model policy" documents for the industry that say old TIMs must be allowed to share rooms and bathing facilities with women in care homes, and that any elderly women or their families who object should be seen as bigots and phobes with old-fashioned, out-of-date ideas. Some of the people doing training for this industry openly crow that it's a good thing older generations who haven't been drinking the kool-aid of gender ideology all our lives will soon be dying off, taking our transphobia and our antiquated beliefs in the primacy of women's safety, privacy and dignity with us.

( hmimperialtortie )
I cannot say what should be done to Trans Rape Advocates.



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