Feminism: The truth
LEAVE their husbands,
KILL their children,
PRACTICE witchcraft,
DESTROY capitalism and
BECOME lesbians.
- Pat Robertson
Did you know that the original Suffragettes used terrorist tactics ? No wonder these Femnazis love Islamic terrorist so much :D
Feminism: The truth Strawman FTFY.
BECOME their husbands,
LEAVE their children,
KILL witchcraft,
PRACTICE capitalism and
DESTROY lesbians.
- Rat Pobertson
PRACTICE witchcraft, The emphasis here is funny. I guess he means “practice” in the sense of “exercise” rather than “perform” and is upset that those evil feminist witches never actually put their magic skills to use?
That smile, tho. That’s the smile that just says, “yeah, I helped co-fund al-Qaeda, propped up dictators, used slave labour, called for political assassinations, and blamed the victims of suicides, massacres and terrorist attacks (which again, I co-funded)…whatcha gonn’ do ‘bout it?”
Won’t somebody flush this turd already? It’s starting to stink the place up.
Judging by the collective male pants wetting, we're doing a damn good job & need to keep it up.
And...really? Pat Robertson? And he still expects to be taken seriously!
Apart from the children one, that’s all bad…HOW?!! You never did have much of a clue, Pat Robertson, now the senility is playing up on you badly.
encourages women to
get an education,
have a profession,
earn your own money,
teach your sons to respect women,
expect men to respect women.
That picture looks more like Paddy’s grandson…
Sure, some of the actions of the Suffragettes were a bit terroristic, but so were most other civil rights movements too. The Suffragettes rather damaged, than killed (the one killed I can find was a Suffragette throwing herself in front of the king’s horse).
How the heck can it be so hard to discern between the reality of “Most women think Muslims deserve human rights too”, and the misogynist fantasy of “Feminazis love Islamic terrorist”?
Why conflate feminist and Nazis in the first place. The Nazis were very misogynistic with their “Kinder, Küche, Kirche”.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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