(On Animal Farm)
A short story by George Orwell, it describes a farm run by socialist animals. The animals rebel against its owners and set up a new farm under socialist ideas, though this idealistic future devolves into a dictatorship run by Napoleon the pig. Although it seems to be more pro-socialist, as the book goes on it begins to show the dangers and corruptness that arises through communism. It is based on the beginning of the Soviet Revolution, and every character represents either a prominent Soviet leader or a group of Russian citizens (Such as the elderly or workers).
Two film adaptations have been released: an animated film in 1954 and a live-action/puppet film in 1999.
(On 1984)
Another classic book by Orwell, it focuses on a civilian living in a Socialist world. The earth is split into 3 Nations : Oceania (The Americas, Australia, South Africa, and England), Eurasia (All of Europe and Russia), and Eastasia (Japan, China, and other parts of South Asia). All 3 nations fight over the left over areas, like North Africa and the Middle East, which result in endless casualties. There is constant editing of history. People, places, and things are constantly erased or changed or added (similar to the acts of the Soviet Union). Words and thoughts are censored and use of them result in torture and death.
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