distressed parent #transphobia pittparents.com

However in reference to your yard sign including" Stop the sterilization of gay kids": I would revise this to "Stop the sterilization of vulnerable young people" I believe my son is actually straight, as he had crushes on girls in high school. However, at 22, after sterilization by Planned Parenthood when he was newly 19, he says he is now "asexual." He would no doubt prefer a relationship with a lesbian female to validate his fantasy of being a "woman" (which would actually be a straight couple.) But with his disturbing appearance as an over six feet tall man in stereotyped "female" clothes, his likelihood of a normal female attracted to him are close to zero. Instead he is dating another confused man also ingesting sterilizing hormones and pretending to be a woman. So now my son claims to be a "lesbian." It's all beyond bizarre and cruel what's been inflicted on him (and myself and my family) by our sick society. Indeed, if I posted your sign on my yard, I would fear for my house and myself.



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