various commenters #transphobia

( Lynch )
"People can't change who they are!" (why is this so constantly said when demanding acceptance of transgenderism?)
Reading and watching many discussions about transgenderism over and over I keep hearing some version of "people can't change who they are" coming from those in support of transgenderism and I wonder how they think this makes any sense. Also doesn't it basically begs the question assuming they are born in the wrong body and/or are not just mistaken about who or what they think they are?

( lesbiansherlock )
Because that’s what gay people used to say to try to make straight people understand it’s not a choice to be gay. They are just doing what they do, constantly stealing and lying.

I don’t think they care about making sense, nothing in their theology does. They’re just trying to play on people’s emotions.

( Tanana )
This. Just stealing from the lesbians and gays like usual. And yes logic is the least of their concern, otherwise they would realize that if people can't change who they are then "transition" isn't possible, they can't go from M to F if they can't change. Stupid as usual.

( notsofreshfeeling )
By adopting transgender terminology, you redefine everyone else to include members of the opposite sex in their identity. When you refer to a man as "she," you make the words I use for myself and other women meaningless. Why is okay for you to change who I am?

( VestalVirgin )
No idea what they want to say with this, either. No one demands that gender specials change their genderfeelz, after all. We aren't the ones persecuting thoughtcrime. We just refuse to play along.

I can't change who I am, and I happen to be able to tell the difference between women and men. Gender specials demand that I change this, so if anything, they are the ones demanding that people change who they are.

( AsterRising )
God, I hate this argument so much. Trans activists will say "people can't change who they are" but then admit their entire identity is based around cultural gender norms. I really wish someone would tell them you can't have it both ways - you can't claim to be "born this way," like gay people are, and then insist that your identity is culturally specific



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