Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: You feel disconnected from womanhood because you're not a woman.

( butchplease )
If you want to "feel solidarity" to women, how about you stop being a misogynistic perverted freak who appropriates our experiences, language, human rights, and spaces 😳

( levitation )
If they're so desperate to feel "solidarity" with real women then maybe they can listen to us instead of fetishizing and talking over us.

( bellatrixbells )
This exactly. Feeling solidarity with someone doesn't mean becoming them. It means listening to them, understanding them and being empathetic of their frustration, suffering, etc. It doesn't entail attempting to become them. If you need to find a way to literally, physically feel the same way as another person in order to feel solidarity with them... You're kind of in the fast lane to be a sociopath.

( Champagne_Lasagne )
I think it's just how men experience empathy. The only way is to make them feel the same pain/discomfort of the person they're trying to empathize with. Women don't need that, whereas how many times have you heard a man say "what if it were my daughter??" in response to female suffering. They can only relate when it affects them too on a personal level. Another hint that they're not women.

( mathlover )
We should be doing everything we can so they feel disconnected from womanhood by an unreachable chasm. Which is reality. They can never have what they want. They will never be women. They will never have a place among us.

( puppy_cat )
It really disgusts me when they pretend they're somehow similar to actual women who are infertile. Fuck off.

( jvsmine )
"realizing I will never carry a child" what do they mean realizing it? they knew all along they never could. they just developed a fuckin fetish and are getting increasingly more desperate to come so now they're moaning about how their feefees hurt "realizing" they can "never carry a child". what a bunch of pathetic losers as well as delusional freaks.

someone remind me again why we need to be nice to these men? why I'm supposed to forget how uncomfortable this makes me in favor of listening to some scrote whine about how at least I'm a "cis" woman so I should be grateful for the pain and bullshit I experience? seriously I peak more and hate them more every day.



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