Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: r/reddit is not feeling Lia Thomas et al. at all

( Owlchaser )
I hate the "I'm a transwoman and I agree with it" garbage.

Get out of our private spaces, stop using language that identifies us, stop saying you are one of us. This opinion that what TIMs do is unfair only in sports is ludicrous.

( shewolfoffrance )
This is why I don't believe in "based" TiMs. Even if they concede that males shouldn't be in women's sports, they always want to extract something from women in exchange, like insisting that it's ok if they use the women's bathroom "if they pass".

If Debbie Hayton types accomplish something good for women, that's great. But I do not trust for one second that he or his ilk would be willing to give up something they want, that rightly belongs to women, just because they know it's the right thing to do.

( XX_Power )
Debbie hayton just wants to be an extra special man, it's soooooo obvious. First by trooning out and terrorising his wife and children and now by being the good™ trutrans™

It's a no from me dawg

( Althea )
I think a small percentage of TIMs want to distance themselves from trans athletes because they're uncomfortable about how much negative PR the issue is generating.

( butchplease )
They openly say that, too. "This is so unfair to trans women!!! :(" they never care about actual women.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
I think the percentage of TIMs doing that is far from small.

( Althea )
I don't think so... in social media discussions of trans athletes, the ones with trans flags in their bios tend to vehemently insist TIMs should be on the women's team. I think most TIMs do not want there to be ANY area in which it's socially acceptable not to treat them as real women, because doing so may open the floodgates.

( Fredrica )
Doing so WILL open the floodgates. That "biological advantage" is also that "biological reality" of sexual assault etc as male-typical crimes against women. The pieces just need to be put together. I think first sports will draw the line, then women's prisons next.



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