
Ann Calatayud/Bride Ministries International #fundie #crackpot #magick #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Most of us can agree that God upholds all things by the Word of his power (Hebrews 1:3). Taking this a few steps further, we learn that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, which are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. This means that Jesus, who is Jewish, is actually the Aleph Tav, the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet, for those who are studied, is more than just a collection of letters. It is an incredibly complex algorithm.

This means that the language contains life, which comes from the letters of the original Hebrew. We have learned that the original Hebrew letters are living beings found in Christ Jesus. What we have found is that through the use of evil and counterfeit Living Letters, the formulas and equations that encode our existence have been manipulated and defiled. This prayer calls for a correction of this deep issue, which is afflicting our nature at the sub-quantum level.

King Jesus, I invite your presence to surround and overtake __________ down and into his/her/my sub-quantum components.
I establish my arche round about _____________ and identify the formulas and equations governing the parameters of operation of his/her/my body, soul, heart, spirit, and all other components related to livelihood that have been targeted by evil agendas. I identify formulas and equations that have been manipulated into an unbalanced or defiled form. I declare that all artificial protection of hijacked formulas and equations must now be unlocked and dismissed, inclusive of all gates, frequencies, barriers, evil equations, cloaking devices, force fields, sacred geometries, DNA matrixes, apexes of time, evil formulas, and defensive protocols.
I call this entire work sealed in every realm, age, timeline, dimension, frequency, vibration, planet, cosmos, constellation, and universe, past, present, and future, to infinity, and from the beginning across eternity. Amen.

Bride Ministries International #fundie #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father, I come before You in prayer to thank You that the earth is yours, and the fullness thereof! I enter into Your gates with thanksgiving and enter into Your courts with praise. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, my dwelling place, my current/future spouse, my vehicles, my technological devices, my finances, every bit of provision presently coming to me, and everything under my stewardship. I pray that Your heavenly hosts, Your angels, would guard this dwelling place round about, above and below, and against every dimensional access point in Jesus’ name.
You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you will I trust. I thank You that You set a hedge of protection round about me, and that no plague will come near my dwelling. I thank you in advance that every curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of witchcraft, dark art, or other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against me would be reversed upon the heads of the non-human senders seven-fold, that they would know that Jesus is Lord.
I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind-to-mind communication, thought and dream manipulation, and all other forms of psychic, telepathic and technological intrusion in the name of Jesus. In the spirit, I establish a matrix of protection around me, my family, both spiritual and natural, and my realm that hinders and blocks any and every attack of technology and physical waves of all sorts, including sound, EMF, radiowave, microwave, light wave, gamma wave, and all other wave forms.

I declare that this matrix also acts as a filtration system for any corrupt or contaminated food, drink, air, or gases of any sort. In addition, I infuse this matrix with the blood of Yeshua, and deploy the heavenly hosts to reinforce it.
I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, and seal this prayer in every realm, age, timeline, and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity. Amen!

Bride Movement #fundie #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I declare that your word says to come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. Lord, I have been pursued by my enemies which lay claim to my life, and I am seeking a judgment in my favor that will empower me to walk out my mandates in Christ Jesus.
I ask that all hidden documents, covenants, contracts, agreements, certificates, oaths, and vows that have been signed by me or any part of me including what I will henceforth identify as “the group”: clones, holograms, merfolk, twins, replicas, derivatives, walk-ins, parents, spouse(s), or ancestors assigning legal rights to those that persecute me, be produced for the court now. I invalidate every binding document that has been fraudulently created or established against me based on agreements obtained by me or any part of me or “the group” under duress. <...> I now call for the blood of Jesus to stamp every document that has been presented before the court empowering those that pursue and persecute me. I call for them to be nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ and to be burned in his consuming fire.
I call for all of the following elements that have been used as access points to my life in both the natural and the spirit to be presented before the court and subsequently burned with the fire of God: hair, fingernails, blood samples, saliva, other sources of DNA, cursed objects, fecal matter, urine, evil sacred trees, ritual altars, covenantal rings, heirlooms, tracking devices, consent forms, and technologies. I agree to specifically address anything else that you require of me, Holy Spirit, that would otherwise keep me bound to my persecution.
To those that have been summoned into the court, I declare that my season of persecution at your hands is now over. It is written that as a man sows, so shall he reap. It is written that whoever destroys this temple, the Lord will destroy.

Bride Ministries #fundie #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father God I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I confess that on my behalf, both with and without my consent, evil grids have been established relative to my life. I confess that these evil grids have entangled me (alters, fragments, shards, splinters, blood, DNA, RNA, sounds, frequencies and realms) with powers of darkness, evil realms, composite entities engineered with components of my DNA, members of my bloodlines and their parts past, present, and future, and have granted me and my parts access to powers and abilities from the kingdom of darkness. <...>
Furthermore, I renounce the evil grids and all power, authority, status, prestige, and inheritance associated with them now. I also call every part of me, down to my sub-quantum components, stationed over my grids in lordship, or any ruling capacity whatsoever, fired in the name of Jesus, along with all backups, duplicates, replicas, derivatives, replacement, impersonators, stand-ins, ancestors, merfolk, hybrids, clones, twins, mirror images, holograms, Artificial Intelligence replicas, archived memories, spirit children or composite entities containing my DNA and/or RNA.
I declare the complete release from my grids, not only of humanity, but of inheritances, legacies, birth rights, agendas, geographies, governments, shadow governments, nations, moons, stones, trees, mountains, stars, planets, galaxies, constellations, universes, constructs, blueprints, and components of creation bound up in my grids now, and declare your kingship and eternal rule over everything that was entangled with (or subjugated by) my grids. I now move to forgive myself for all the evil, harm, and disruption that was imposed by my grids against your creation. I furthermore command and receive the cleansing and reinstatement of all formerly compromised components of my God-ordained inheritance, legacy, blood, DNA, RNA, plasma, and birthright.

Bride Ministries #fundie #ufo #magick bridemovement.com

Black Goo is an increasing problem, presenting itself for many people that consider themselves Targeted Individuals, but for others as well. It is often seen from the spirit and looks like black tar that is inside of various areas of the body and/or covering soul fragments. We have found that Black Goo is a composite of Death and Artificial Intelligence. Dealing with it can present problems as it is resilient to many prayer tactics. However, this prayer has proven to be very effective in dealing with the problem when it is encountered.

Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be uploaded into the black goo. I speak that every aspect of the black goo is targeted, disrupted, and destroyed. I furthermore declare that everything ungodly that has been anchored to me or my life through the black goo is now untethered and escorted away from me and into the courts of heaven to be leveraged as evidence against the parties that put it there. I declare my separation from entities, components, non-human nature, artificial intelligence, Death, and every other ungodly thing anchored to me through the black goo. Furthermore, I declare that the areas formerly occupied by the black goo are washed with living water, such that all residues are removed right now in the name of Jesus. I settle this deliverance in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between. Amen

Daniel Duval #fundie #quack #magick #crackpot #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Freedom From Fallen Angel Bloodlines and Genetics

This is an in-depth prayer, combining elements of the “Freedom from Principalities and other Fallen Angels Prayer” and the “Freedom from Illuminati Genetics Prayer”. This prayer has been successful in getting people free from heavenly powers in cases where the bondage is very deep, and other prayers are not proving successful. The blanks will be filled in by the name of the principality or heavenly power that is holding you in bondage. An extensive list of names is found on our Extended List of Heavenly Powers/Principalities.

1. Father in heaven I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce _______________ and my _________________ bloodline, genetics, third DNA strand, bone-marrow, cellular-programing, and markers, and all the powers of darkness associated with this, and serve them a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, certificate, oath and vow entangling me and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.

2. In the name of Jesus, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to discover and apprehend every (alter/part belonging to me) that is loyal to the _________________ bloodline. I pray that those parts would be escorted before the throne of the Father in heaven to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.

3. I now deed all territory in me occupied by __________________ and my __________________ genetic code, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, and all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, connected realms, and timelines, over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.

4. In the name of Jesus I now bind all gatekeepers and discover each and every portal access point associated with ____________________ and my _____________________ genetics, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, and all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, connected realms, timelines and all associated counterfeit inheritance.

5. I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point in all timelines, every realm, age, and dimension, past, present and future to infinity, and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated from this point in time and out of time forward and backward, and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth, and reversed.

6. I take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and I cut myself free from __________________ and all ___________________ genetics, markers, bone-marrow, third DNA strand, cellular-programing, and blood, including all sentient intelligences along with their agendas, related realms, timelines and counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’ name.

7. I return every form of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, power, pride, genetic code, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’ name. I refuse it and sever myself from it and from this point in time and out of time forward and backward, and in every direction, inside out, upside down, back and forth and reversed, I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I also declare your word which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. I receive the wealth held hostage by ________________ and my _______________ bloodline as a recipient of wealth transfer in Jesus name. Furthermore, my physical children are an inheritance in Jesus Christ, and I receive them and their redemption in Jesus Christ. I renounce all spirit children related to ___________________ and my ____________________ bloodline and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment, and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water.

8. I now receive a blood transfusion from Jesus Christ. In the process, I declare that all _______________ circuitry, nanotech, back doors, front doors, side doors, trap doors, cords, wires, cables, chips, computers, chains, programs, backup programs, power sources, backup power sources, receptors, and eggs are destroyed, and that all of their residue is purged with living water. I also reclaim and receive every part of me that has been imprisoned by ______________________ or in (his/her) realm.

9. I appeal to justice according to Galatians 6:7 which declares that as a man sows, so shall he reap. I pray that _____________________ would now reap a hundred-fold return for all of the evil sown against me, my ancestors, and all whom I represent in the form of justice and judgment and wrath, arrows and lightning, hail stones, tsunamis of living water, and plundering by the armies of heaven, in Jesus’ name.

10. I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of me and around me that has been operating due to _____________________ and my ___________________ genetic code, markers, third DNA strand, bone-marrow, cellular-programing, assignments, judgments, and blood. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgment. I also discover every part that is a composite of genetic components of me and others associated with the family, held together by a cord that binds. I declare that the cords are cut, that cords in cords are cut, and that all three-fold cords are cut, and that each part is separated into its components. All demonic components, and components that are not of me, are now bound. I declare that all of you are now being sent to where the true Lord Jesus Christ sends you.

11. Lastly, I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, device, label, jewel, necklace, earing, crown, ring, scepter, marker, power source, grid, tracking device, system, or branding placed in or around every part of me in order to anchor in __________________ would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved. I close every door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call them completely sealed in Jesus’ name. I render this entire confession established in every timeline, age, realm and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity. Amen.

Daniel Duval #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick bridemovement.com

Deliverance from Black Goo Prayer

Black Goo is an increasing problem, presenting itself for many people that consider themselves Targeted Individuals, but for others as well. It is often seen from the spirit and looks like black tar that is inside of various areas of the body and/or covering soul fragments. We have found that Black Goo is a composite of Death and Artificial Intelligence. Dealing with it can present problems as it is resilient to many prayer tactics. However, this prayer has proven to be very effective in dealing with the problem when it is encountered.

Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be uploaded into the black goo. I speak that every aspect of the black goo is targeted, disrupted, and destroyed. I furthermore declare that everything ungodly that has been anchored to me or my life through the black goo is now untethered and escorted away from me and into the courts of heaven to be leveraged as evidence against the parties that put it there. I declare my separation from entities, components, non-human nature, artificial intelligence, Death, and every other ungodly thing anchored to me through the black goo. Furthermore, I declare that the areas formerly occupied by the black goo are washed with living water, such that all residues are removed right now in the name of Jesus. I settle this deliverance in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between. Amen.