
Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond #fundie #conspiracy mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "“Saint” Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be Pope from 1963-1978)"]

Paul VI was the man who claimed to be the head of the Catholic Church from June 21, 1963 to August 6, 1978. He was the man who promulgated the Second Vatican Council and the New Mass. We’ve already seen that the evidence indicates that the man who preceded and elevated Paul VI, John XXIII, was a Freemason and a manifest heretic. We’ve also seen that the documents of Vatican II contain many heresies, and that the New Mass, which Paul VI eventually promulgated, represented a liturgical revolution.

Paul VI solemnly ratified all 16 documents of Vatican II. It is not possible for a true pope of the Catholic Church to solemnly ratify teachings that are heretical. As we will show in more detail later in this book, the fact that Paul VI did solemnly ratify the heretical teachings of Vatican II proves that Paul VI was not a true pope, but an antipope.

It’s important to keep in mind that Paul VI was the one who gave the world the New Mass, the other new “sacraments,” and the heretical teachings of Vatican II. If you go to the New Mass or embrace the teachings of Vatican II, the confidence that you have that these things are legitimate is directly connected to the confidence that you have that Paul VI was a true Catholic pope.

We will now expose the amazing heresies of Paul VI. We will show, from his official speeches and writings, that Paul VI was a complete apostate who was not even remotely Catholic. All of the official speeches and writings of the men who claim to be pope are contained in the Vatican’s weekly newspaper, L’ Osservatore Romano.


Paul VI, General Audience, Dec. 6, 1972: “Does God exist? Who is God? And what knowledge can man have of him? What relationship must each of us have with him? To answer each of these questions would lead us to endless and complex discussions…”[2]

These questions don’t lead us to endless and complex discussions. Does God exist? Yes. Who is God? The Holy Trinity. What knowledge can man have of him? The Catholic Faith. What relationship must each of us have with him? To belong to the Church He established. Paul VI is stating that these are endless and complex questions. No Catholic would assert such nonsense, which mocks and renders meaningless the Catholic Faith and the true God.


The Catholic Church teaches that all non-Catholic religions are false. There is only one true Church, outside of which no one can be saved. This is Catholic dogma.


Hindus are pagans and idolaters who worship many different false gods. For Paul VI to praise the notorious Hindu Gandhi as “ever-conscious of God’s presence” shows again that Paul VI was a complete religious indifferentist. Paul VI also officially praised the false religion of Hinduism in the official Vatican II document Nostra Aetate #2 (on non-Christian religions), as we quoted in the section on Vatican II.


Buddhism is a false, pagan religion of the East which teaches belief in re-incarnation and karma. Buddhists hold that life is not worth living, and that every form of conscious existence is an evil. Buddhists worship various false gods. Buddhism is an idolatrous and false religion of the Devil. [...] According to Paul VI, the false, pagan and idolatrous religion of Buddhism is one of the “riches” of Asia!


Islam is a false religion which denies the Divinity of Christ and rejects the Most Holy Trinity. Besides rejecting the true God, Islam allows polygamy up to four wives, and its followers (Muslims) spread this false religion with a zeal unequalled by the others. Islam is the most viciously anti-Christian major false religion in the world. To convert to Christianity in many Islamic countries means death. The propagation of the true Faith is strictly prohibited by the Muslims. Islamic society is one of the most evil things in human history. [...] Paul VI speaks about the “riches” of the Islamic Faith, a “Faith” that rejects Jesus Christ and the Trinity. He says this “Faith” binds us to the One God. This is apostasy.


This is completely false and heretical. The Catholic Church has affirmed during her long history, at the cost of oppression and persecution, that the religion of Jesus Christ is the only one that is true; and that Christ is truly God and truly man. Paul VI would have us believe, however, that the martyrs were tortured horribly, not for their profession of faith in Christ, but in order for all to have freedom to profess their various false religions! This is an astoundingly heretical distortion of the truth!


Here we see Paul VI giving a clear Masonic handshake to the Eastern Schismatic Patriarch of Constantinople, Athenagoras, on Jan. 5, 1964. The two also mutually lifted the reciprocal excommunications of 1054. Translation: this means that Paul VI considered that the Eastern “Orthodox” are no longer excommunicated even though they deny the Papacy. Therefore, according to him, the Papacy is not a dogma binding under pain of excommunication.


This is all one really needs to see to know that Paul VI was a schismatic and not a Catholic. He makes a Joint Declaration with a schismatic “pope.” He acknowledges this schismatic as the holder of the See of St. Mark. This is a blasphemy against the Papacy, since this schismatic holds no authority whatsoever. He rejects all forms of proselytism – that is, trying to convert the schismatics – and he says “let it cease where it may exist”! Paul VI was a formal heretic and schismatic.


Here Paul VI reveals that the Vatican II agenda with regard to Protestant sects has gone from polemical opposition – in other words, an opposition to their false doctrines – to an attitude of acceptance of, and mutual respect for, their false religion.


Paul VI says in Humanae Vitae that couples are perfectly free to have zero children if they want to.

The United Nations is an evil organization that promotes contraception and abortion, and looks to take control of the decision-making for every country on the planet. Former UN Secretary General U Thant praised the Communist Lenin as a man whose “ideals were reflected in the United Nations Charter.” [...] First, Paul VI says that the U.N. is the path that has to be taken. He says that the U.N., not the Catholic Church, is the best means for the cause of justice and peace for the world. Second, he says that the U.N. is the universal (that is, Catholic) body for mankind! He is replacing the Church with the UN.


On November 13, 1964, Paul VI gave away the triple-crowned papal tiara. Paul VI had the tiara auctioned at the New York World’s Fair.[106] The Papal Tiara is a sign of a true Pope’s authority – the three crowns representing the dogmatic, liturgical and disciplinary authority of a pope. By giving it away, Paul VI was symbolically giving away the authority of the Papacy (although he had none to give away since he was actually an antipope). But it was a symbolic act of how he was a satanic infiltrator whose whole mission was to attempt to destroy the Catholic Church. (Also notice “Cardinal” Ottaviani, whom many falsely think was a true conservative, standing right next to Antipope Paul VI as he does this).


Notice the twelve stones which represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Not only is this the breast-plate of a Jewish High-Priest, but according to the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Mackey, the ephod is also “worn in the (Masonic) American Chapters of the Royal Arch, by the High-Priest as an official part of his official ornaments.” The ephod was the vestment that was worn by Caiphas, the High-Priest of the Jewish religion, who ordered Our Lord Jesus Christ to be put to death by crucifixion.

Antipope Paul VI wore the breast-plate of the Ephod, a.k.a. the Rational of Judgment of the High-Priest, numerous times. God allows things such as this to come out to show the people that these men are infiltrators and enemies of the Catholic Church.


Within two years of the close of Vatican II, Paul VI removed the index of forbidden books, a decision one commentator rightly called “incomprehensible.”


Paul VI then abolished the oath against Modernism, at a time when Modernism was flourishing as never before. On Nov. 21, 1970,[107] Paul VI also excluded all cardinals over 80 years of age from participating in papal elections. Paul VI disestablished the papal court, disbanded the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guards.[108] Paul VI abolished the rite of Tonsure, all four Minor Orders, and the rank of Subdiaconate.[109]


Here is a picture of Antipope Paul VI’s signature. If you turn it upside-down, you see that there are three clear 6’s. The shot below is a close-up of his name turned upside-down. The three 6’s are clear. As far as we know, this is the way that Paul VI’s signature always appeared.

Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond #fundie mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "Dignitatis Humanae – Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious liberty"]

Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Liberty was without question the most notorious of all the documents of Vatican II. In order to understand why Vatican II’s teaching on religious liberty is heretical one must understand the Catholic Church’s infallible teaching on the issue.

It’s a dogma of the Catholic Church that States have a right, and indeed a duty, to prevent the members of false religions from publicly propagating and practicing their false faiths. States must do this to protect the common good – the good of souls – which is harmed by the public dissemination of evil. This is why the Catholic Church has always taught that Catholicism should be the only religion of the State, and that the State should exclude and forbid the public profession and propagation of any other.

We will now look at three propositions that were condemned by Pope Pius IX in his authoritative Syllabus of Errors.

Pope Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors, Dec. 8, 1864, # 77: “In this age of ours it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be the only religion of the state, to the exclusion of all other cults whatsoever.” – Condemned.[62]

Notice, the idea that the Catholic religion should not be the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of other religions, is condemned. That means that the Catholic religion should be the only religion of the State and that the others should be excluded from public worship, profession, practice and propagation. The Catholic Church doesn’t force nonbelievers to believe in the Catholic Faith, since belief (by definition) is a free act of the will.
However, it teaches that States should forbid the propagation and public profession of false religions which lead souls to Hell.
In Quanta Cura, Pope Pius IX also condemned the idea that every man should be granted the civil right to religious liberty.
Vatican II teaches that religious liberty should be a civil right, which is directly condemned by Pope Pius IX. Vatican II also says that this right to religious liberty applies to public, as well as private, expression; and that no one should be prevented from the public expression or practice of his religion. The teaching of Vatican II is direct heresy against the infallible teaching of Pope Pius IX and a host of other popes. The teaching of Vatican II on religious liberty could literally have been added to the errors of the Syllabus of Errors condemned by Pope Pius IX.

Benedict XVI admits here that Vatican II’s teaching (which he adheres to) is directly contrary to the teaching of the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. In other words, he just admitted that Vatican II’s teaching is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Magisterium. One could hardly ask for more of a confirmation that the teaching of Vatican II is heretical. In his book, Benedict XVI repeats this again and again, calling the teaching of Vatican II “the countersyllabus,” and saying that there can be no return to the Syllabus of Errors!
Vatican II says that the State exceeds its authority if it dares to prevent religious activity. This is totally heretical.

Here we see Pope Leo XIII (simply reiterating the consistent teaching of pope after pope) teaching that the State not only can, but should curtail and forbid the rights and privileges of other religions to perform religious acts – exactly the opposite of what Vatican II declared. Such public acts, false opinions and false teachings should be repressed by public authority (the State), according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, so that souls are not scandalized or enticed by them.
To understand this better let’s give an example: If a State were presented, for instance, with Muslims and Jews holding their religious services and celebrations in a public place (even if they were not disturbing the peace or infringing on any private property or upsetting the public order at all), the State could and should (according to Catholic teaching) repress these services and celebrations and send the Jews and Muslims home (or would arrest them, if the law were well established) since they scandalize others and could cause others to join these false religions. The State would tell them their obligation to be Catholic before God and try to convert them by directing them to the Catholic priests, but it wouldn’t force them to do so. This is an example of the clear distinction between 1) forcing one to be Catholic, something the Church condemns, since belief is free and 2) the State’s right to repress false religious activity, something the Church teaches.
Vatican II’s heretical teaching on religious liberty is precisely the reason why, following Vatican II, a number of Catholic nations changed their Catholic constitutions in favor of secular ones! The Catholic constitutions of Spain and Colombia were actually suppressed at the express direction of the Vatican, and the laws of those countries changed to permit the public practice of non-Catholic religions.
We can see that the second section of Article 6 of the 1945 Constitution was replaced by that of the 1967 precisely in order to bring the laws of Spain into agreement with the declaration of Vatican II! Perhaps this revision of Catholic laws in a Catholic country, which was made in order to conform to the new religion of Vatican II, illustrates more than anything else the forces at work here. Spain went from a Catholic nation to godless one, which now gives legal protection to divorce, sodomy, pornography and contraception, all thanks to Vatican II.

Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B. #fundie mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "Benedict XVI’s Incredible Heresies on “the Orthodox”: He Teaches That Schism Is Holiness" about a letter he wrote to the Coptic Church on the death of their leader]

The adherents of the “Orthodox” sects reject Papal Infallibility and Papal Primacy. The Catholic Church has always considered them schismatics and on the road to everlasting damnation. Yet, as he has done for years, Benedict XVI lavishes endless praises upon schismatic “Orthodox” leaders.

Benedict XVI teaches formal heresy a number of times in this letter. He teaches formal heresy by stating that schismatics can follow the “paths of holiness” without the Catholic faith and outside the Church. Specifically, Benedict XVI says that by taking this role as a schismatic leader, the schismatic will “guide the clergy and laity along the paths of holiness”! It’s a dogma that men cannot please God, be holy or have sins forgiven without the Catholic faith or outside the Church (Trent; Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam; etc.). According to the apostate Benedict XVI, schism equates to holiness.

Benedict XVI also teaches formal heresy by repeatedly referring to the schismatic leader as “pope” and the true jurisdictional leader of the true Church in his area. According to the apostate Benedict XVI, the schismatic legitimately occupies “the See of St. Mark”. This heresy was condemned in, among others things, Leo XIII’s encyclical Satis Cognitum, which teaches that all such bishops are outside the Church and consequently cannot rule in it. As he does with other schismatics, Benedict XVI also calls this schismatic leader “Holiness”.

Benedict XVI also teaches formal heresy by stating that the deceased schismatic leader, “Pope Shenouda”, was devoted to the Lord, had a flock of faithful entrusted to him, and that his life continues to inspire them. This is a blatant denial of the dogma that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church (extra ecclesiam nulla salus). Benedict XVI also states that the recently deceased schismatic leader is “venerable”.

Among Benedict XVI’s other blasphemies, he asserts that holding a prominent role in a schismatic church is a “high office”. He also declares that the new office of schismatic leadership is a “pastoral ministry”. He prays that the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth) will “sustain” the schismatic leader in his office of promoting schism! He also declares the adherents of schism (“the Orthodox”) to be “the faithful” of God’s Church. As usual, Benedict XVI also mentions his “esteem” for the schismatic leader. Benedict XVI theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen declares that souls were “entrusted” by God to follow (and be spiritually directed by) this newly-installed schismatic leader. Benedict XVI is nothing more than a complete schismatic antipope posing as a Catholic pope.


Here, Benedict XVI denies extra ecclesiam nulla salus again by teaching that notorious heretics and schismatics can have eternal rest. Benedict XVI also declares the “holy Orthodox” schismatic leaders to be the jurisdictional leaders of the true Church, wherever in the world they have established schismatic churches. He also says that deceased leaders of schismatic churches were “dedicated servants of the Lord”. He then declares that schismatic churches have “countless martyrs and saints” and that they “sustain and strengthen all of us”. What a heretic!

Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond #fundie mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "Natural Family Planning Is Evil"]

What is Natural Family Planning? Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the practice of deliberately restricting the marital act exclusively to those times when the wife is infertile so as to avoid the conception of a child. It is also called “the rhythm method.” NFP or rhythm is used for the same reasons that people use artificial contraception – to avoid the conception of a child while carrying out the marital act. Antipope Paul VI explained correctly that NFP is birth control when he promoted it in his encyclical Humanae Vitae.


Why is NFP evil? NFP is evil because it is birth control; it is against conception. It is a refusal on the part of those who use it to be open to the children that God planned to send them. It is no different in its purpose than artificial contraception, and therefore it is a moral evil just like artificial contraception. The Teaching of the Catholic Papal Magisterium Pope Pius XI spoke from the Chair of Peter in his 1931 encyclical Casti Connubii on Christian marriage. His teaching shows that all forms of birth prevention are evil. We quote a long excerpt from his encyclical which sums up the issue.


One can see that Pope Pius XI condemns all forms of contraception as mortally sinful, because they frustrate the marriage act. Does this condemn NFP? Yes it does, but the defenders of Natural Family Planning say “no.” They argue that in using the rhythm method to avoid conception they are not deliberately frustrating the marriage act or designedly depriving it of its natural power to procreate life, as is done with artificial contraceptives. They argue that NFP is “natural.” (Common sense should tell everyone who deeply considers the topic that these arguments are specious and deceptive, as NFP has as its entire purpose the avoidance of conception). However, the attempted justification for NFP – that it doesn’t interfere with the marriage act itself and is therefore okay – needs to be specifically refuted. And it is specifically refuted by a careful look at the teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage and ITS PRIMARY PURPOSE. It is the teaching of the Catholic Church on the primary purpose of marriage (and the primary purpose of the marriage act), which condemns NFP. Catholic dogma teaches us that the primary purpose of marriage (and the conjugal act) is the procreation and education of children.


Besides this primary purpose, there are also secondary purposes for marriage, such as mutual aid, the quieting of concupiscence and the cultivating of mutual love. But these secondary purposes must always remain subordinate to the primary purpose of marriage (the procreation and education of children). This is the key point to remember in the discussion on NFP.


Therefore, even though NFP does not directly interfere with the marriage act itself, as its defenders love to stress, it makes no difference. NFP is condemned because it subordinates the primary end (or purpose) of marriage and the marriage act (the procreation and education of children) to the secondary ends. NFP subordinates the primary end of marriage to other things, by deliberately attempting to avoid children (i.e., to avoid the primary end) while having marital relations. NFP therefore inverts the order established by God Himself. It does the very thing that Pope Pius XI solemnly teaches may not lawfully be done. And this point crushes all of the arguments made by those who defend NFP; because all of the arguments made by those who defend NFP focus on the marriage act itself, while they blindly ignore the fact that it makes no difference if a couple does not interfere with the act itself if they subordinate and thwart the primary PURPOSE of marriage. To summarize, therefore, the only difference between artificial contraception and NFP is that artificial contraception frustrates the power of the marriage act itself, while NFP frustrates its primary purpose (by subordinating the procreation of children to other things).

Most Holy Family Monastery #fundie #homophobia mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "'Gay' Supporter of Bishop Richard Williamson Writes In"]


@Joseph Isaiah

You are lying, that is not and never has been the teaching of Mother Church. I remember being different from other boys as far back as age 3…

I am a Catholic and I accept whole and undefiled the doctrines of the Church. I identify with the Resistance of Bishop Williamson. So you cannot claim I am a Modernist, I am simply saying you are not accepting the true Catholic teaching on same sex attraction. It is not because of my sins, but original sin and our fallen nature and race that I have the attractions I have. I remember as a child, saying so many times to God, that He needed to fix my broken sexuality, because I couldn’t. No matter how much fasting, how many Rosaries, how many Confessions and Communions, no matter how much penance, nothing changed. I always was attracted to girls as well, but I always liked other boys as well. Christ gave this to me as a cross to take up daily.

The Holy Catholic Church was founded by Christ not as a prison of persecution, but a hospital for the broken men and women. Christ is our loving God and Saviour because we are not perfect, yet He loves us beyond the comprehension of man. It may condemn an action or heresy, but will never turn someone away who seeks Christ. His religion is the largest worldwide source of relief for the poor, the hungry, the sick, and repentant. It opens up the doors of unending compassion, for sinners of all kind, for single mothers, widows, orphans, married and divorced. For gay, for straight and for bi for the lonely and for sinners of all kind; her mission is the same. It is that of Our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, Eternal King of the Ages, as she is His Mystical Bride made up of the Mystical Body. Her mission is to save souls. The Church teaches that although it is not of the Natural order that one is homosexual it is not a sin in itself, for one cannot sin if he has not done anything wrong. We are called to a life of celibacy and to be holy, just as all Christians are called to be holy. That is okay, because in reality what people long for is not sex, but love – to love and to be loved, it whatever form. Sexual love is just one form of love, but agape, love love on God can give is so much greater.

I don’t want to sound as if I’m not making Holy Mother Church’s teachings clear that sexual actions outside of a true marriage between man and woman are sinful, but rather I am also professing that with the Holy Church has always believed. That all people are children of the living God and He loves us all for whoever He made us to be. And that we all will be happiest and holiest when serving Him in the lifestyle He has by Divine Wisdom called us to. Because the Church is not for the Saint but the sinner. Those that are gay, are no different that those who are straight, we are all called to chastity and sexual purity. We all must unite ourselves the Christ and His cross, like Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows. St. Paul said in Scripture, I hath been crucified with Christ: now I liveth not, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loveth me, and gave Himself for me.” He is doing what all are called to do by Our Blessed Divine Lord, “Then Jesus saith unto his disciples: If any man wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it.”

MHFM: Joseph, your letter is a prime example of why you remain afflicted with a perverted same-sex ‘attraction’. You are lying to yourself and rejecting the truth. Our position is very clear: same-sex attraction is not natural. It is the result of sin and a rejection of God, as Romans 1 teaches (see below). You make reference to some alleged ‘Catholic teaching’ which you believe contradicts our position. You believe this ‘teaching’ declares that there is nothing perverted about men being attracted to men, and women being attracted to women, but you cite nothing of course. That’s because no such teaching exists.

You also state: “I identify with the Resistance of Bishop Williamson. So you cannot claim I am a Modernist…” This is an example of how you are quite deceived. Identifying with the false resistance of Bishop Richard Williamson doesn’t prove you are not a modernist. On the contrary, it actually proves that your positions are heretical and schismatic, and that you are following a modernist. Richard Williamson is a modernist, a heretic, and a schismatic. He is not a true Catholic. You really need to watch this video: The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups (video). It proves that the ‘Resistance’ you are embracing is not Catholic.

You should also see this file on him: [B]Williamson, Bishop Richard of the SSPX: a schismatic and a wolf in sheep’s clothing[/B].

Among other things, Richard Williamson holds that one may attend the invalid, non-Catholic New Mass. He declared that the notorious idolater and apostate Antipope John Paul II was a “good man”. He declared that the notorious apostate Benedict XVI is “in good faith”. He denies the dogma Outside the Church There Is No Salvation, as all priests ordained by the SSPX do. He, in fact, holds that Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith, contrary to the dogmatic teaching of the Council of Florence. He therefore does not profess the Catholic Church’s teaching on salvation. In addition to being heretical, his positions are TOTALLY SCHISMATIC and involve a rejection of papal infallibility. He does not have the true faith. His positions are a rejection of Catholic truth about the Papacy. The ‘Resistance’ is false and schismatic.


Even though you don’t say it explicitly, you imply that you were ‘gay’ from your earliest years, even from the age of three. We doubt you have such memories from that age. Homosexuals deceive themselves and frequently lie. But even if one were, for the sake of argument, to accept your claim to have been a conscious homosexual from the age of three, we would respond thus: if you claim to have been conscious of such things from the age of three, that suggests that you reached the age of reason at the age of three. Well, as soon as one arrives at the age of reason, he can reject the truth. He can resist or reject God and sin mortally. Deliverance to unnatural attractions can be the result of such a rejection of God, even from an early age. Some people are just not of the truth. Some people just refuse to have God in their knowledge (Romans 1:28), and they make that decision early on. St. Thomas explains that as soon as a person reaches the age of reason, he can direct himself to the proper end or he can refuse to do so. If he chooses to do the latter, he sins mortally. Since you claim to have possessed such an understanding of yourself and your activity from the age of three, then you could have refused to have God in your knowledge and rejected the proper end at that age. That could be why you have same-sex ‘attraction’, and had it from a very early age. But it’s more likely that you rejected God and the truth a number of years later than you describe, and that resulted in your perverted inclinations.


You were given over to homosexuality as a result of your resistance to the truth. You can be delivered from it when you actually become a real Catholic. Our material covers the true positions, and it explains how to become a true Catholic. But don’t expect to be delivered from your perverted inclinations while you are following a schismatic false resistance that denies papal infallibility, among other things. You will only be delivered if and when you embrace the true faith and get into the state of grace.

Most Holy Family Monastery #fundie #homophobia mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "Does God Create Homosexuals?"]

The answer to this question is no.

The Vatican II sect denies the truth: that God doesn’t create anyone as a homosexual

Antipope John Paul II, New Catechism, #2357: “Homosexuality… Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained.”

A commonly held false idea in our day is that God creates some people homosexual (or that homosexuality is a result of some sort of “psychological” problem). In fact, it is apparent from our contacts with people that most of those who consider themselves “traditional Catholics” believe that there is nothing wrong with the homosexual orientation, but only in homosexual acts. The truth is that God doesn’t create anyone with a homosexual orientation and that all those who are truly homosexuals (even those who are not engaging in homosexual acts) are homosexuals because of a demonic takeover and mortal sin. Those who scoff at this statement are simply faithless liberals who don’t want the truth and have no concept of the supernatural world.


Romans 1 clearly teaches that because these persons “worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator” and “changed the truth of God into a lie” God gave them up to homosexuality, which is described as a SHAMEFUL AFFECTION. Further, Romans 1 clearly teaches that homosexuality is “against nature,” which means that this orientation is foreign to man’s nature, that is, it is NOT INSTILLED BY GOD.

Men and women are given over to homosexuality for inundating themselves with sins of impurity – and thereby worshipping the flesh rather than God – and for this they get possessed by the demon of lust, which takes them over and corrupts their entire orientation. (And they can be cured of this.) People also become homosexuals by engaging in idolatry or by harboring a perverse fascination with human beings over God – thereby worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. The fact that all homosexuals are spiritually possessed by a demonic spirit is corroborated by the fact that most homosexual males can be identified by their effeminate external mannerisms. What explains this? It’s obviously the demon’s presence in the person manifesting itself externally – the external, unnatural mannerisms revealing the internal corruption of the soul.


But today all we hear from “Catholics” and almost all “traditional Catholics” is that homosexual acts are wrong, but that the homosexual orientation is okay – i.e., it is not their fault that they are homosexual. This is a falsehood which advances the cause of the Devil and the homosexual agenda. It also doesn’t help the homosexuals themselves. The idea that there is nothing wrong with the homosexual orientation (which contradicts Romans 1) is responsible for the fact that: 1) Novus Ordo seminaries are spilling over with homosexuals; 2) Homosexuals have gained such an ascendancy in society that their lifestyles and “homosexual persons” are accepted on mainstream television; 3) Gay “marriage” has become legal in certain places. If the truth that all homosexuals are spiritually possessed – and that homosexuality is a result of grave sin – had not been compromised by those who profess to be “Catholics,” none of this would have happened. It should also be noted that people who become homosexuals at a very young age are simply spiritually possessed by a demonic spirit early on in life.

Homosexuality is condemned throughout the Bible. Sodomy is one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this very sin.


By telling homosexuals the truth that their perverse orientation is not natural, we do them a great charity and show a true love for their souls. We give them the knowledge and the means to cure themselves. And they don’t need an exorcism to cure themselves. If a homosexual ceases to commit all mortal sins and changes his or her life; if he or she holds the fullness of the Catholic Faith without compromise, which includes a profession of faith; if he or she makes a sincere sacramental confession of all mortal sins to a validly ordained priest; if he or she has a strong prayer life and a true devotion to the Mother of God and the holy Rosary, then he or she will be delivered from homosexuality without any doubt. Our Lord tells us that: “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) By knowing the truth and by employing the means to deliver themselves, homosexuals can and will be delivered from their perverse orientation.

Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond #fundie mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "Antipope Francis Says The Beauty Of A Country Comes From The Variety Of Its Religions – He Also Says False Religions Enrich A Culture"]

Francis’ May 7, 2019 video message to the people of North Macedonia:

“The particular beauty of your country comes from the variety of cultures and ethnic and religious affiliations that inhabit it.”

According to Francis, “the particular beauty” of a country “comes from the variety of religious affiliations that inhabit it”. This is astounding heresy and apostasy.

Francis’ May 7, 2019 discourse during meeting with “the authorities, representatives of civil society and members of the diplomatic corps” of Bulgaria:

“Here, in fact, the different religious identities of Orthodox, Catholics, other Christians, Muslims and Jews[/], and the ethnic differences between Macedonians, Albanians, Serbs, Croats, and persons of other backgrounds, have created a mosaic in which every piece is essential for the uniqueness and beauty of the whole. That beauty will become all the more evident to the extent that you succeed in passing it on and planting it in the hearts of the coming generation. Every effort made to enable the diverse religious expressions…”

This is blunt apostasy. The apostate Francis says that it “is essential for the uniqueness and beauty of the whole” society to have the presence of false religions, including Islam and Judaism. He encourages the members of these false religions to pass on and plant their false faiths “in the hearts of the coming generation”. Francis closes by saying that “every effort” should be made “to enable the diverse religious expressions”. What an apostate.


The illogical heretic Francis says that unity is found in the differences of religion. He says these differences in religion enrich culture.


Francis quotes the apostate Benedict XVI who said false, non-Christian religions are “rich religious traditions”.

Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond #fundie mostholyfamilymonastery.com

[From "The Heresies In Vatican Council II"]

An Introduction to False Ecumenism and some comments on Heretical Actions

*Ecumenism is a word that was used before Vatican II to indicate the apostolic endeavor to convert all to Catholicism. An “ecumenical” Council is a universally binding general Council of the Catholic Church, such as the Council of Trent. But after Vatican II and as a result of it the term has taken on a new meaning: “ecumenism” now describes the movement to unite with, accept, endorse and/or pray with heretical sects and false religions.

Cardinal Walter Kasper, Prefect of Vatican Council for Promoting Christian Unity: “… today we no longer understand ecumenism in the sense of a return, by which the others would ‘be converted’ and return to being Catholics. This was expressly abandoned by Vatican II.” (Adista, Feb. 26, 2001)

Kasper was appointed specifically to this post by John Paul II to express his views on this very topic. This is because John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who both worked closely with Kasper, held the exact same thing.
This kind of false ecumenism is the distinguishing feature of the Vatican II apostasy, and it is totally condemned by Catholic teaching. It makes a complete mockery out of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation (an article of Faith defined many times), the necessity of accepting the dogmas of the Catholic Faith, the martyrs of the Catholic Faith, and Jesus Christ.

Pope Pius XI’s Encyclical [I]Mortalium Animos[/I] (This encyclical condemns false ecumenism as a total abandonment of the Catholic Faith; see especially #2)

The Vatican II sect and its Antipopes want you to be in communion with Devils

The Catholic Church teaches that there is only one true religion and the rest are false. The Catholic Church teaches that pagan religions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Voodooism, etc.), which worship various “gods,” actually worship demons, since all the gods of the heathen are the devils.
Each religion was invited to offer its own prayer for peace – blasphemous prayers, for instance, as the Hindu prayer said: “Peace be on all gods.” But their gods are devils, as we saw above, so peace was being prayed for all the devils (who created these false religions) at the Vatican-sponsored World Day of Prayer for Peace. The Vatican II religion wants you to be in communion with devils.

The Vatican II Sect on Islam
Then we have the Vatican II sect’s teaching on the false religion of Islam, which rejects the Holy Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Benedict XVI and John Paul have praised Islam, a false religion of the devil. Here we see John Paul II in the Temple of infidelity (the mosque), endorsing their false religion.
The Catholic Church teaches that Islam is “an abominable sect” of infidels (unbelievers). An “abomination” is something that God abhors; it is something that He has no esteem for and no respect for.
The Vatican II sect on the Jews
*The Vatican II sect teaches that Jews don’t have to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. Vatican II’s Declaration Nostra Aetate specifically declares that the Jews are not rejected by God, even though they reject Our Lord Jesus Christ. See: [B]The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II[/B]. The Vatican II sect also teaches that the Old Covenant is still valid, which is a rejection of the following dogma defined by the Council of Florence.
This is such bold antichrist apostasy that there are almost no words to describe it – but this is what the man who is currently claiming to be the pope teaches. He is a non-Catholic antipope. Anyone aware of these facts and argues that Benedict XVI is not a manifest heretic is an antichrist. In fact, Benedict XVI teaches the same thing in his book Milestones that we read above in God and the World. It is perfectly accurate to say that Benedict XVI doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ. That is why, as we see below, on Aug. 19, 2005, he traveled to the synagogue and took active part in a Jewish worship service. To take part in non-Catholic worship has always been condemned by the Church, and if one does so at a non-Catholic Temple this is a manifestation of heresy or apostasy. The entire event was a validation of the Jewish religion, and a manifestation of his apostasy and his position that Jews are perfectly fine even though they don’t accept Jesus Christ.
The Vatican II Sect on Heretics
The Vatican II sect also mocks the saints and martyrs and rejects the entire Catholic Faith with its teaching and actions on heretical sects, such as the Protestant sects. Because Margaret Clitherow refused to accept the Anglican sect and its “Mass” – but rather invited Catholic priests into her home against the penal laws – she was martyred by being crushed to death under a large door loaded with heavy weights. This style of execution is so painful that it is called “severe and harsh punishment.” She suffered it all because she wouldn’t accept Anglicanism. The Vatican II sect, however, teaches that Anglicans are fellow “Christians” who don’t need conversion, and whose invalid “bishops” are actually true bishops of the Church of Christ. The Vatican II sect teaches that her martyrdom was completely pointless.
The Vatican II Sect on Schismatics
The “Orthodox” Schismatics reject the Papacy, Papal Infallibility and approximately the last 13 dogmatic councils of the Catholic Church. But the Vatican II teaches that the Eastern “Orthodox” don’t need to believe in the Papacy and accept the Catholic Faith for salvation. The Vatican II sect issued the official Balamand Statement with the Orthodox (see below), which declared that they have no obligation to convert to the Catholic Faith for salvation. John Paul II approved of this agreement and taught the same many times.
The fruits of the Vatican II religion

The fruits of the Vatican II religion have been covered above on the sections on statistics, annulments, religious ordes, sex scandals, “Catholic” colleges, pro-abortion politicians scandal, etc. We encourage you to consult those sections. They show that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. As covered above, entire dioceses have now been liquidated to pay off for the Vatican II sect’s pervert “priests.”

Most Holy Family Monastery #racist mostholyfamilymonastery.com

INTRODUCTORY NOTE: Let us preface this by saying that we are not “anti-Semitic” and we desire the conversion and eternal happiness of all Jews. We condemn all forms of racism, etc. As Catholics, we also hold firmly that no Jew (or any other non-Catholic) can be saved without baptism and the Catholic faith; and we work to expose Jewish domination and evil Jewish enterprises in the world, which (one must say) constitute the main power of the secular conspiracy. That being made clear, there are some interesting facts about the Holocaust which we’d like to share with our readers. This is relevant to how a Catholic should consider many events in the world today and in recent history.

This file will contain three things:1) quick discussions of facts which contradict the official “Holocaust story” (as well as interesting video and audio links); 2) news links which show how the Holocaust hoax has become the super-dogma of the nations; 3) comments and discussion from readers about this issue. Combined with the control and influence of the Jews, the Holocaust hoax has effectively created a world-wide ambience in which even supposed Catholics and Christians are terrified at the thought of offending Jews or questioning their beliefs.

It’s illegal in at least 14 countries to deny the official “Holocaust” story. Holocaust denial is illegal in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. Think about that for a moment, and then ask yourself who is really in power. It’s illegal to question the official story of the “Holocaust,” even though it’s perfectly legal in those countries to deny the Divinity and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That means that those countries are truly Jewish states, for their laws uphold and imprison those who deny beliefs dear to Jews, but not to people of other religions.

Most Holy Family Monistary #racist mostholyfamilymonastery.com

INTRODUCTORY NOTE: Let us preface this by saying that we are not “anti-Semitic” and we desire the conversion and eternal happiness of all Jews. We condemn all forms of racism, etc. As Catholics, we also hold firmly that no Jew (or any other non-Catholic) can be saved without baptism and the Catholic faith; and we work to expose Jewish domination and evil Jewish enterprises in the world, which (one must say) constitute the main power of the secular conspiracy. That being made clear, there are some interesting facts about the Holocaust which we’d like to share with our readers. This is relevant to how a Catholic should consider many events in the world today and in recent history.

This file will contain three things:1) quick discussions of facts which contradict the official “Holocaust story” (as well as interesting video and audio links); 2) news links which show how the Holocaust hoax has become the super-dogma of the nations; 3) comments and discussion from readers about this issue. Combined with the control and influence of the Jews, the Holocaust hoax has effectively created a world-wide ambience in which even supposed Catholics and Christians are terrified at the thought of offending Jews or questioning their beliefs.

It’s illegal in at least 14 countries to deny the official “Holocaust” story. Holocaust denial is illegal in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. Think about that for a moment, and then ask yourself who is really in power. It’s illegal to question the official story of the “Holocaust,” even though it’s perfectly legal in those countries to deny the Divinity and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That means that those countries are truly Jewish states, for their laws uphold and imprison those who deny beliefs dear to Jews, but not to people of other religions.