
Sirius Network & Mystery School #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy texashealers.com

South Texas is also located in one of the 12 Planetary Apostles or Mega Vortices that are bring in New Jerusalem energy. The New Jerusalem is a pattern of light frequencies that are grounding into the energetic blueprint of Mother Earth. The 12 Planetary Gateways act as receiving and transmitting stations to bring in the new keys and codes for the New Earth. Each of these 12 Planetary Gateways have a unique quality, or virtue, which contributes to the Earth and mankind's enlightenment.
South Texas is located in the Planetary Gateway for World Inner Balance and Androgyny (see map above marked Gate 8 Palenque & El Tule). This Mega Vortex is located around a 777 mile radius to cover El Tule Tree near Oaxaca, Palenque and Horsetail Falls near Monterrey Mexico. The Gateway extends from Mexico into the United States to include the southernmost tip of Texas called the Rio Grande Valley. As an average, each of the 12 Planetary Gateways have a full radius of 777 miles.
Note: Due the special role the Planetary Gateway will play in the activation of our new DNA South Texas it has come under attack by the Dark Brotherhood which wishes to de-rail the evolutionary process . For this reason the South Texas Planetary Gateway is under the special protection of Christ, Archangel Michael and his Legion of Blue Lightening Angels operating from a 6D Crytalline City of Light hoovering over Cameron County Texas.
Futhermore, The South Texas Planetary Gateway has become an important geographic location for the rising of New Atlantis.
Note: The Planetary New Jerusalem is a Vision of Planetary Evolution that was received by a mystic, Robert Coon of Glastonbury, England. Glastonbury is located in the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth. This vision reflects a planetary wave field of Universal Love, Universal Balance, Universal Light, and one with the Crystalline Grid of the Mother Earth.

Stargate Training for Activation and Re-Alignment (STAR) #magick #fundie #moonbat texashealers.com

The Mission of the STAR is to assist in bringing about the Second Coming of Christ en masse...When at least 144,000 humans have attained Christ Consciousness, an enlightenment wave will be experienced by all living beings on Earth. Community Service for the preparation of the Second Coming is the responsibility of all "attuned" human beings. Those who know about this Coming are to help create conditions of "spiritual alignment" which will ultimately draw the Universal Christ into all individuals . Without this, the Christ is impotent to act.

Christ consciousness will create unity and dissolve all divisions or separations between mankink, religions, social dogma. Christ Consciousness is established through the example of World Service and the fostering of the principles on which an interdependent world may create a new civilization. Everyone will have an experience of Divine Truth and Enlightenment during the Second Coming event which takes places on each individuals own personal timeline. Afterward, each human being can make a conscious choice, about whether or not to continue in an illusionary, ego-based reality, or to choose a life based upon Spiritual Growth, Divine Love, and Alignment with the Divine Plan. This choice results in bring in the Fifth Kingdom.

In Freemasonry the Fifth Kingdom refers to a transhuman state of higher Consciousness that is achieved via a process of "intentional evolution". This Fifth Kingdom is presumably achieved only when one's "animal nature" is thoroughly subdued via an uncompromising suppression of the emotional, passion, irrational, and animalistic side of the Physical Unit.

The Sirius Network & Mystery School #magick #ufo #quack #mammon texashealers.com


What is the Crystal Light Bed?

The Crystal Light Bed is a holistic form of treatment. The Crystal Light Bed involves the application of colored light beamed through Lemurian Seed quartz crystals onto the "chakras" or energy centers of the body. The therapy clears, balances and energizes the chakras, promoting healing, health and well-being.
The Crystal Light Bed comprises of 16 quartz Lemurian crystals, which are suspended and positioned over the eight main chakra points of the body. They radiate a programmed frequency of color and energy to the respective chakras to cleanse and balance the energies. The specific color associated with each chakra is amplified as the light passes through the crystal point, activating it and radiating the energy to the person. This helps to clear any energy blocks, bringing the chakras into balance.

Lemurian crystals carry healing qualities and energy, both of which are innate to crystals generally and particular to these specific crystals. These crystals came from Diamantina, Brazil. When one works with them in healing practices they infuse the client with the pure vibrational energy of divine love.

Lemurian crystals have been programmed with the consciousness of life force energy of Atlantean and Lemurian Ascended Masters. These two civilizations have contracted to help heal the earth at this time. The crystals are helpful in cauterizing wounds that allow energy leaks and assisting in healing individuals who are overly sensitive to the emotions of others or who have been energetically traumatized by negative environments. Lemurian Crystals evoke feelings of peace and serenity. You may experience insights and release of specific personal issues and memories. You may have feelings of warmth, movement, tingling and expansion.

The Sirius Network & Mystery School #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie texashealers.com

The Sirius Network & Mystery School

Sirius Network & Mystery School(SNM) is supported by the Church of the Divine Spirit and founded on the universal teachings of the ancient Mystery Schools of Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt and on the Holy Qabalah. And it also merges new teachings for the extraordinary time for we live in now—from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim, Devas, Elementals, Dragons, Fae, as well as from our Galactic Brothers and Sisters including Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, Arcturians and Andromedan Emissaries of Light. SNM shares its teaching with everyone through the classes that it offers and through the writings & recordings that it provides.

SNM is just one of the western traditional mystery school systems - often referred to as "Western Shamanism." Our studies feature Stargate Activation, Energy Medicine, Qabala, Christian Mysticism, and Quantum Physics. The Qabala is a dynamic system of Judeo-Christian theosophy, mysticism, and theurgy founded on ancient teachings and based on the tradition practiced by the ancient Essenes (whose members included John the Baptist and Jesus). All of our workshops, classes and programs are Overlighted by our Spiritual Guidance Team that include the Christ, the Great White Brotherhood, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Devas, Ascended Masters, the Christed ET’s and the Order of Melchizedek, who assist you to awaken to your Higher Self and Agape.
Stargate Transmissions are done by healing the body and mind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level but at a Divine Level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. The StargateTransmission process is a means of re-charging our "Life Force Battery" with Cosmic Chi or Fohat generated the Elohims and Deva Realms through Multi-Dimensional Doorways called Stargates .