various commenters #transphobia

And how, pray tell, can you be sexually attracted to a feeling in someone else’s head?

( istara )
Homosexual not homogender

( Unicorn )
Homogender lmao. I like it.

Let's start coining homogender and heterogender. If TIPs think gender is all that matters, while other people still live in reality where realize sexual beings are attracted to people with certain sexual organs, we can use words for them that better explain and delineate their sexist thinking.

Also I bet a lot of men nowadays are "heterogender" after decades of pornsickness and normalized misogyny. They're not attracted to female people, they're attracted to feminine ideals. Hence why there are men okay with HSTS partners who tend to rigidly perform femininity.

( MaryDyer )
I second this. I’ve started a rough draft of their new dictionary so they can stop stealing and twisting OUR words:

Gender: one’s internal sense of affinity for outdated sex-based stereotypes

Moman/birl: a male who identifies with the gender (sex-based stereotypes) historically associated with females

Wan/goy: a female who identifies with the gender (sex-based stereotypes) historically associated with males

Gender orientation: the gender that you are genderally attracted to

Genderal intercourse: also known as “having gender”; the joining together of two genders in a pleasurable union. See also: mind meld

Heterogenderal: attracted to the opposite gender

Homogenderal: attracted to the same gender

Mazerbae: a homogenderal moman

Wazerbae: a homogenderal wan

( istara )
Also, one can of course be both (effectively "super straight" - or "super gay" - that sounds fabulous, doesn't it?!)

( pennygadget )
"I wasn't initially attracted to that woman over there because I'm not a lesbian. But now that I see the 'he/him' pronoun badge, I suddenly see the inner man soul and want to ask him out!!" 😍



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