various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
"So sorry for entertaining you all these years"

Entertaining us? More like indoctrinating us with anti-White propaganda all these years.

Hollywood is the most powerful propaganda machine on the planet. It literally shapes people's perceptions of reality. And Jews admit that they're in charge of it.

spoilerJewish people made Hollywood
because, due to antisemitism,
we were banned from other
industries. So sorry for being
successful and entertaining
you all these years. Also, sorry
if there are too many of us

( @Zander9899 )
@Nature_and_Race The Jews purportedly being "forced" into Hollywood, reminds me of their being "forced" into money lending... šŸ˜…šŸ’°

( @nothingshed )
@Zander9899 @Nature_and_Race jews deserve all the hate they get.

@Nature_and_Race Always the sanctimonious victim. jew filth never "made" anything. They infested what was already there and corrupted it. It's what they do. It's what they've always done and always will do.

No more.

( @Henrysavage101 )
@Nature_and_Race What a Joke! Jews literally stole the movie making technology from a inventive White man (Thomas Edison) and moved to an area (Hollywood) where copyright laws could not be enforced. The movie industry was previously based in Boston!

( @JurgenP )
How were they "banned" from other industries? I dont recall an American law regarding banning jews.


( @Wisecracker )
@JurgenP @Nature_and_Race Constant jewish refrain when caught: "oops, sorry for harming and destroying you but we were forced to do it because we were holocausted/banned/whatever"

Even if you accepted the false logical construct, their alleged persecution is always bullshit.

No, they weren't "banned" from farming or manual productive labor. They weren't "forced" into being powerful international bankers, lawyers, doctors, or media moguls. They achieve those parasitical power positions through nepotism, crime, and bribery. And the holohoax is a total fabrication, of course.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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