Daegames #pratt daegames.blogspot.com

Unlike this asinine agglomerate of bland, uninspired trash churned out by lazy amateurs, solely hired because they're cheap and/or WokeC could use their various identities, invented and otherwise, as a shield from criticism. Or even as a marketing gimmick, convincing self-hating, mentally ill weirdos into buying their crap under the pretense that in doing so they'll somehow end racism, sexism, and all the other watered-down buzzwords, without having to get off their asses and do anything.

Even though they're the racists, sexists, and everything else they pretend to hate.

But what did you expect from WokeC? They don't give a fuck. They know their core audience will buy anything, everything with the D&D logo on it, whether or not they'll use it, or even play the game as opposed to talking about their insipid character cliches on social media, posting their own trash art, and/or merely watching narcissistic grifters pretend to play. Anything, just to delude themselves into thinking they are part of something.

It seems like every week there's yet another reason to be glad that I stopped giving WokeC a dime nearly a decade ago, walked away from "modernized" D&D, and just did my own thing. Which, as I like to point out, has attractive women in the art




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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