Trees of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. We are deeply rooted in the light of new beginnings and of the old ways of peace. Not all that you see is deeply rooted. Not all is rooted in truth and light and most are simply shadows, seedlings of ideas that have not taken root. (I am seeing old dark trees being uprooted and laying on the ground. I am seeing them being covered with seedlings of green, becoming nurse logs for new life.) We are showing you this, galaxygirl, for many dark ideas are being uprooted, discarded and new ideas will take root. All is not lost. You have been assimilating and reorganizing your own genetic and cellular structure with these solar storms and energy upgrades. We send you our light now. (I am surrounded in bright green leaves and I feel the breezes and sunbeams of Nova Gaia on my face. I feel the cool dark earth on my toes and I am grounding with them. I see small green shoots encircle my feet, tickling them.) We are very real here in this space, galaxygirl, more real than what you see. The holo-world is morphing into much more than you have experienced, certainly within this lifetime. You all remember, the ancient ones, you remember and that is why you returned, to bring this space into that which was of pure beauty, of light, of hope, and of pure creation.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. Some of you will choose to live within our branches and trunks in tree houses, illuminated with crystals that glow and communicate easily. Others will choose to use Nova Gaia as a home base and travel the stars. All are permissible, all are wise choices, for there is no time. There is all time. There is all time for the space of healing and renewal, of reunions and rebirths, of re-creation. Nova Gaia is fully operational. We are grounded deeply within to her frame. We are closely linked in with her crystal networks of light and that is why we are slightly illuminated at night for the crystal networks enliven us.