Frosty Wooldridge #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Race relations in America in the 21st century continue along a rocky, painful, disturbing, angry, separated and disparate road. Virtually every weekly newscast across America announces racial violence, especially in our big cities. Too many different “tribes” in too close proximity equals different cultures, different world views, different languages, and different ways of doing things.
What must disturb most Americans in 2024 stems from this reality: we have become the greatest nation on Earth because our system worked on individual effort, individual excellence, and proven merit. Individuals rise to their highest levels of excellence based on their education, dogged determination and personal choices.

With the introduction of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the quotas are back into the workplace. Employers must choose minorities for the color of their skin rather than the “content of their character.” That means, how well did they perform in school? Did they pass mandated tests to become a plumber, electrician, teacher, doctor, dentist, truck driver and hundreds of other jobs that demand excellence?

If we remain on our current D.E.I. course, companies like United Air Lines want to have a “person of color” inside the cockpit of every flight. Hospitals want to staff “doctors of color” to represent the community.

Except there would be few “people of color” who would want a “brother” flying a 747 airliner if he/she hasn’t passed flight school. No one in his or her right mind would want a D.E.I. doctor operating on his/her heart or broken leg. Who would like a D.E.I. truck driver coming down a mountain pass behind you with his brakes burned out because he didn’t downshift?
Reality check: even intelligent minority American citizens cannot afford D.E.I. It’s destroying our police forces. It’s destroying our military. It’s destroying our schools. It’s destroying the very concept of excellence, personal accountability and personal responsibility.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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