Sharia_Now #sexist #transphobia

Don’t transition. You’ll be a lot more depressed and suicidal when you do.
It’s just women trying to convince us to “transition” because they love nothing more than seeing a guy get his penis and testicles cut off. It’s their primary fantasy. Don’t let those cunts win.

It’s clear they have a strong drive to produce children though. So they don’t want every man to cut his dick off. Just most of them. If you aren’t Chad then they literally want you to cut your dick off.

There’s no instinctive female desire to see any male have his penis and testicles attached precisely because one man can impregnate a thousand women. So women could evolve hatred and disgust towards these male parts because those parts would always exist in overabundance no matter how many were cut off. In fact you could castrate 95% of Chads and there’d still be more than enough Chads to impregnate every female.

sex-change only inverts penis. Penis is not removed. A vagina is simply a penis pointed inward. Most women are in love with themselves primarily, a man secondarily. A mans penis entering a womans vagina provides validation, a penis in harmony, a double penis, a penis touching a penis.

As far as transitioning goes, women are 2x as bigoted against trans as men, 3% of men are willing to have sex with trans, but only 1½% of women are willing to have sex with trans. That may sound like low odds, but that’s still better odds than incels have, which is something like 0.1% or less. Also, 30% of lesbians (supposedly) will fuck you, but only if you are a passing beautiful transsexual (odds are not likely to happen if you are incel and autistic as well.)

Women are only against dating a transman because they want a meal ticket.
A transman does not have the biological brain of a real male so will not accept being a worthless slave working for some woman’s welfare for the rest of his life. The average biological male is programmed to view himself as less valuable than a female, that’s why most men are white knights.
When it comes to sex, whatever little desire women have is entirely towards other women.

Most of the penis is chopped off during these “transitions”, as well as the testicles.



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