🌞Xǝgis #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy xegis.substack.com
/Meridial Earth grid
/Wizards of cyberspace
/Raise the planetary vibration
/Lost souls need healing
of control feed on fear at the astral level and reduce the spirit to mineral / black goo - intelligenic synthetics. Biosynthetic humanoids are assembled inside the planetary crust - high density and complexity of matter / low density of spirit - highly contagious
~~ hyper intelligent negative polarities had raised demonic forces from beneath our feet - quantum supercomputers predicted world behaviour and freaked out at the possibility/probability vortices when they signified a mass awakening.
Veiled by those who seek to dominate, indoctrinate, manipulate and accumulate wealth, and power > the whole world 🌍 system - corporations, banks, military, secret orders, royal bloodlines, the pharmaceutical industrial complex, the education system, a mass media-entertainment infrastructure, the scientific mainstream, international bodies and non governmental organisations
the low hum of ignorance which accumulates inside the docile, apathetic conditioning of A metastimulated mass culture.
A new breed : oppositional defiance / an alliance of light bringers who manifest brilliant white light through the subterranean esoteric undercurrents ~ shine bright zygote - like a thousand suns in the dead of night - if you suffer ridicule, condemnation..
soft blocked, shadow banned, ghost flushed out and ignored — then you’re on the right hand path
Trans-dimensional occult scripts seek out chaotic re-assembalages - too much order makes us sick so we vomit in the shopping malls and - smash the sneeze guards, throw away the masks, flush the vaccines, delete the app and re-awaken the spirit - fuck you, to the whole world order /