actualdyke , RawSienna & RisingUp #transphobia

( actualdyke )
TRAs enraged by their own arguments
After the Club Q shooter was revealed to be nonbinary, the usual suspects on TIM activist twitter have been screeching about it all day, and it's SO fucking incredible to watch how their desperate arguments are immediately negated by their OWN ideology.

"Why would a trans person attack a queer bar?" Why do so many transwomen kill women, then, if being part of a group should automatically include not killing people of that same group?

"He's just identifying as NB for less serious charges!" Oh but I thought that it was impossible and "never happens" that anyone would identify as trans for a lighter sentence. Don't y'all argue that trans people are MORE persecuted in law? Why would NB grant him privilege if you don't admit that trans people are a protected caste?

"It's suspicious that this only came out after the shooting!" But we're not allowed to question the hundreds of transwomen who miraculously discover their gender identity after being charged with crimes?

"He was identifying as a man two years ago!" And Dylan Mulvaney was a man 200 years ago. Does that mean he's not valid?

And all of their arguments can simply be shut down by their own beloved mantra: "trans people are who they say they are."

We're only following the rules YOU have set out. In accordance with your ideology his gender identity must be respected no matter his crime, misgendering him is just as bad as the crime, and his self identity is 100% valid regardless of literally anything.

The schadenfreude watching them have to face the inanity and illogic of their own ideology is delicious.

( RawSienna )
Watching these degenerates being held to the rules of their own incoherent playbook is satisfying. Nobody’s buying their bullshit, either.

The rhetoric in general since Musk took over is hitting a fever pitch. I think we’re witnessing the early parts of an extinction burst. They’ve lost narrative control and they are fucking desperate now.

( RisingUp )
I’m surprised so many people assume he’s trolling with the “nonbinary” shit, not just TRAs but even women on here.

Why is anyone making that assumption? I think unhinged violent TIMs are far more common than right wing homophobic hate crimes - my default assumption is that he sincerely regards himself as genderspecial.



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