crodish #transphobia

So much wrong with this post

That "girl" would still exist. Your "anti-trans" laws aren't marching people off to the gulags 🙄 only asking that you RESUME using the bathroom/sports/prisons you had zero issues with until genderwoo invaded your life. You're not stopped from sports or scholarships, just the female ones. You're not female = you don't qualify. It's not hard to understand.

The transman gotcha is an over used "card". Any TIF, no matter how much she's transitioned, is still female, and therefore still has the RIGHT to use female only spaces and female only services, because she's female. But she's not forced to - she can use male spaces if she wants - because (1) it would affirm her 🙄 (2) men face little to no threat from a female in a male space. If a TIF like Buck Angel walks into a women's space "presenting as a man", of course she's going to get pushback, but that's not on the women who don't and should not expect males to be in their female-only space. That's on the TIF for taking wrong sex hormones and surgeries to the point where she could possibly be mistaken for an actual man, and not just a masculine woman, a woman with short hair, a woman with a flat chest, or a woman with hirsutism. Because, TRAs, "masculinity" doesn't equal "man", and most peoples' sex, even after heavy modification, is still very obvious.

TIMs however are still the ones with a male body - and so they still can't use female spaces no matter how well they pass, or if they've gotten surgery, or if they were on blockers before puberty. There's not much to explain outside of "females are at risk from males and should have the right to female single sexed spaces".

If men want their spaces to be kept single sex only too from females, that's their fight, but I doubt many are going to bother since most of them WANT females in their spaces. See: Grindr, and anywhere else. Gay men can lead their own fight to keep TIFs out of homosexual male spaces.

This is a very tiring overexplanation constantly telling a lion tamer why his lion isn't welcome at the domestic cat contest even though both are cats. And that domestic cats are clear to enter the lion contest at their own risk and safety.



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