MaryDyer #transphobia

If we don’t put an end to this madness, the generations that come after this one will have to relearn what young millennials and gen z willingly unlearned about the nature of crime and why we segregate males from females in intimate settings.

100 years from now they’ll be reviewing compiled crime statistics and they’ll notice something:

Investigator 1: “Hey, you know what I’ve noticed, Bobbert?”

Investigator 2: “What, Tavariousness Rex?”

Investigator 1: “Well, you know how women are sexually assaulting other women like, every day?”

Investigator 2: “Yeah? Those wily women.”

Investigator 1: “Well according to the prison records, almost all of those women are AMAB. Like…99% of them.”

Investigator 2: “Yeah, you know, I read a recent study out of the UK that found the same thing. Crazy, right?”

Investigator 1: “It makes me wonder if there’s some sort of…link…between AMABs and sexual violence against women.”

Investigator 2: “Well if there’s a link, what do we do about it?”

Investigator 1: “Well first we need more data to confirm the link, but if it’s true, we could start by giving the AFABs their own spaces in which to feel safe. You know, intimate spaces like bathrooms and locker rooms and stuff like that. They’d be AFAB-only; No AMAB allowed in.”

Investigator 2: “My grand-birthing-person once told me that they used to do that. It was like, standard practice all over the world.”

Investigator 1: “SHHHH! We don’t talk about the Before Times. We don’t know who’s listening…”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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