Larry Elder quoting Zac Kriegman #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut

Data scientist DESTROYS the BLM narrative

I have frequently said that Black Lives Matter has done a great deal of damage to the very black lives they claim to matter. This is a prime example. A data scientist has posted a long critique of Black Lives Matter, where he documented how many people are dead as a result of the Ferguson effect, or more recently the George Floyd effect.

In 2014, after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson the BLM movement's anti-police rhetoric and propaganda found a receptive audience. The police were demonized, their morale and willingness to engage in proactive policing plummeted and murder rates, especially murder rates in
low-income black neighborhoods, spiked.

In just the five cities this data scientist examined, five cities, it caused a staggering 900 excess murders and 34 000 excess felonies that would not have otherwise occurred. The growing consensus that decline in proactive policing is resulting in drastic increase in murders is so substantial that even left-wing outlets like CNN are beginning to recognize it.

Over the last five years there have been typically between 30 to 100% more unarmed whites killed by police than unarmed blacks. Blacks make up 53% of known homicide offenders and commit about 60% of the robberies. Whites commit about 48% of the non-fatal violent crimes and blacks about 35%, but you look at just serious non-fatal ones, whites commit about 41% and blacks 43%, but as mentioned, over the past five years police have killed 39% more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks even though whites account for a similar absolute number of violent offenders, therefore the raw data suggests there is a slight anti-white bias in police applications of lethal force.

The claim at the heart of the movement, that the police more readily shoot black people, is false, and likely responsible for thousands of black people being murdered in the most disadvantaged communities of the country.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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