Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims is the epitome of “American values,” Shoebat explained, just as was Jackson’s treatment of the Native Americans.
“Any Indian that expressed any sort of anti-American sentiment, he killed them,” Shoebat rejoiced. “He had no tolerance for evil and wicked people. He got rid of them and he purged the society of these pagan heathens and he did an American Inquisition and that’s what we need now.”
“Homosexuality? Death penalty. Blasphemy? Should be punished. Pagans coming in to your land? Kill the pagans, defeat them, convert the to Christianity.”
“I’m more American than you,” Shoebat declared. “Back in the day, just 100 years ago or so, 200 years ago, the American people 100 percent would have agreed with me. The Founding Fathers would have agreed with me.”
Dictatorship and anti-freedom-laws are the epitome of American Values?
I'd say it was Jackson who was evil and wicked.
Native Americans were and are part of "the American people", stupid.
Shoebat? Should be punished.
“Homosexuality? Death penalty. Blasphemy? Should be punished. Pagans coming in to your land? Kill the pagans, defeat them, convert the to Christianity.”
Change "Christianity" to "Islam" and this guy would fit right in with Daesh.
Quelle surprise, Walid "No Really Guys, I Was Totes A Suicide Bomber, But Then Jesus!" Shoebat's insane son says insane shit.
Also, apparently "agree with us or we'll FUCKING kill you!!!!" is an American value.
Kill them all and let the programmer of the infinite sort it out.
@ Miles Gloriosus, well his father is a former moderate Muslim who lies about being a former terrorist. The worm filled apple does not fall far from the rotted tree.
The Founding Fathers, most probably, where making deals with the Othoman Empire, which had a great time fucking your ancestors. The reason why they went there afterwards
>He got rid of them and he purged the society of these pagan heathens
Who happened to be overwhelmingly Christian (Baptists and Methodists at that!) by that point, and were a rare historical example of people openly inviting Christian missionaries to come convert them. Imagine that.
“He had no tolerance for evil and wicked people. He got rid of them and he purged the society of these pagan heathens and he did an American Inquisition and that’s what we need now.”
Except these aren't stereotypical Indians we're talking about, these Indians were basically the same as their white neighbours and lived the same lifestyle as them, the only difference was the colour of their skin.
“Back in the day, just 100 years ago or so, 200 years ago, the American people 100 percent would have agreed with me. The Founding Fathers would have agreed with me.”
Maybe, but they'd rather have killed Catholics. Muslims were way down on the list.
Andrew Jackson was a goddamn traitor, who disobeyed both SCOTUS and Congress in order to cause countless deaths. He was the worst president this nation has ever had. So, I guess comparing him to Trump is fairly appropriate in that regard.
There's a good chance we'll see Jackson replaced on the $20. bill with a woman, maybe Sojourner Truth.
Let's kick you off your land, and if you object, kill you for expressing "anti-American sentiment."
I sometimes fantasize about transporting people liked Shoebat back to the theocratic days of Massachusetts. They'd get cured of their belief in Dominionism really quickly, assuming they were not hanged first.
Also, what he says about Jackson is true, if American values include a belief that we had the right to conquer the hemisphere.
But of course, that means Indians get ethnically cleansed merely for existing and not wanting to be ethnically cleansed. Which is what happened. The fact that Jackson is not reviled like Hitler just goes to show how many genocide apologists we have in this country. I wish we could take everything away from the Shoebats among us and give it to the indigenous nations.
“Any Indian that expressed any sort of anti-American sentiment, he killed them,” Shoebat rejoiced."
And now you know why Stormtrooper FN-2187 defects from the First Order, and joins the Resistance as Finn .
This character played by John Boyega in "Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens" is more than just symbolic, I suspect; considering how xenophobic the Empire was previously, coupled with how he perceives the cruelty of the New Order after ...!
@ Scolipendra
* His dad, Walid, is half-Palestinian (allegedly) and his name is an Anglicized version of "Shu’aybat" (allegedly).
* Walid's claim to fame was being a bogus "Former Muslim Terrorist". Another example of what I'd call Argumentun ex Schnoebelen (after William Schnoebelen, another goober with a made-up past to give false cred in a certain Mike Warnke and others did).
And now he says he's in favor of throwing out the u.s. government and instating a "Christian Supremacist" Government
So much for his "more American than thou" statment....
"The Founding Fathers would have agreed with me."
"No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities." - Thomas Jefferson
> how can someone be more American than someone else?
I live in the US, while he lives in the UK. I am clearly more American than them.
@ #1895914
Strange how much that sounds like Muslim attitudes. But only one will get villified.
But this Christian is getting vilified because he's the one who said it. Find a quote of a Muslim saying the same thing and submit it to fstdt, then we'll vilify them.
I sometimes fantasize about transporting people liked Shoebat back to the theocratic days of Massachusetts. They'd get cured of their belief in Dominionism really quickly, assuming they were not hanged first.
Also, what he says about Jackson is true, if American values include a belief that we had the right to conquer the hemisphere.
But of course, that means Indians get ethnically cleansed merely for existing and not wanting to be ethnically cleansed. Which is what happened. The fact that Jackson is not reviled like Hitler just goes to show how many genocide apologists we have in this country. I wish we could take everything away from the Shoebats among us and give it to the indigenous nations.
TBH, in terms of the usual response to immigration , he's probably right.
Irish, Chinese, Haitian, Vietnamese, Cuban, whatever, pretty much every group attempting to enter the U.S. have experienced resistance from the groups who got there before them.
It all depends on whether you believe "American Values" to be those held in your laws and procedures or those held by a considerable number of Americans
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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