Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack

Raytheon employs your neighbor to drive a white van
With a cute little laser in the back
That controls the phase and amplitude of light waves

The lasers polarize with the meta materials in the new 6G
Which are tiny nano sensors landing on your skin
Communicating with the biosensors within you

Electrocuting you from the outside
And from the inside out simultaneously

Because of this bio digital convergence
We become human antennas and fully programmable cyborgs
We become less human and more robot

We are under full spectrum dominance
As meta materials rain down upon our head
For the purpose of techno enslavement

They can wirelessly get into your body and effect a change
With DNA encoded solid phase synthesis

They can order a drone update
A MQ9 Reaper will then hunt you down
And find you anywhere

Project Maven is AI Mosaic warfare
Using net centric node access and phased array optics
That rewrite the human genome and reprogram the cells

The theatrics in front of the curtain continue
Music sports and comedy are used to tranquilize the profane clueless American

Who watches the Steroid Bowl
And listens to Satanic music

But the Clown Show is not funny anymore!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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