Mark Taylor: Trump is 10 steps ahead of everybody. When you listen to him speak, every time that he would say the word ‘COVID,’ switch that out what the word ‘cabal.’ What is the cure? The vaccine. What is the vaccine? We the people, and the military when they go in and they start arresting these people. I think he was giving code out a lot of times to the people because there’s always more than one depth of revelation to what he says. He’s so much far ahead of the game. So the vaccine is the cure for what? The cabal. That’s what’s gonna happen, I believe, when they release the vaccine.
Erskine: It’s called the corona virus. C-O-R-O-N-A. Six letters. ‘C’ is the third letter in the alphabet, ‘O’ is the 15th letter, ‘R’ is the 18th, ‘O’ is the 15th, ‘N’ is the 14th, ‘A’ is the first. Six letters in ‘corona’; those other numbers add up to 66. 666. Occult-driven script and a luciferian human sacrifice mega-ritual. They use this type of thing. This is what Satan uses and that’s it: 666 corona.
Is that coincidence? I don’t buy coincidence, do you?
Mark Taylor: No.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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