@AthenasWrench & @Deathling #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Does anyone know what rights they are missing? Anyone? Do they know? Cause so far all I see are privileges. Far as I know there is no right to self identify into another class of people. No right to force others to see your inner subjective self and validate same. No right to force yourself into spaces meant for another group. Not sure what rights these guys are missing.

spoilerDear trans friends & trans
people I've never met, I'm
so sorry that you have to
spend so much of life's
precious energy pleading for
your rights. I don't believe
that I lose *anything* by
giving you your dignity, but
even if I did, I'd do it
because human rights are
human rights.

( @Deathling )
You mean the "Trans Deluxe Citizenship" that entitles you to cosmetic surgery on the taxpayer dime; to force your neologisms on fellow citizens and have them punished for insults, real or imagined, to your hallowed trans personage.



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