Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut


SEATTLE: ANTIFA harasses Post Millennial Reporter @KatieDaviscourt last night. “Rot in fucking hell you WHITE fucking bitch! You’re a fucking Colonizer bitch, go fuck yourself!”

Antifa dehumanize their political opponents to the point that they actually feel joy maiming, injuring or killing others.


A little confused as to why a white American would call another white American a coloniser....might be definitive proof of their own self loathing

Google White self-hatred Oslo syndrome.


Anyone identifying as Antifa needs to be branded as a terrorist. They reek havoc and terrorise countless innocent people. This is unacceptable that they can still brazenly identify as Antifa and walk away.


Interestingly high chances that a white woman is yelling this

99% positive it actually was


Funny how this kind of racism gets a pass. Wtf

They redefined 'racism' so they cannot be accused of it. It does no wash away the wrong, but it allows them to conceal it.

as they say, "you can't be racist toward white people"

The next step they will take for whites is internment camps. Note to Antifa: I'd like my camp to be in warm weather.


Sounds like something a public school teacher in CA might yell at one of their student’s parents.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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