"You have a right to be vegan, but..."
Actually, no, I don't have a "right" to be vegan; I have an OBLIGATION to be vegan. And so does everyone else reading this fucking tweet.
No, no one does. Humans are omnivores. We require different nutrients from different sources and a balanced diet of meats, vegetables, and grains is better for us overall.
@Yutolia Not exactly sure why this should be marked ableist. Aside from as Mailingspam mentioned with possible malnutrition issues, but not exactly overlap. Willing to hear why.
@Tilver #62630
It’s not in what is specifically said, it’s more the attitude that everyone should and can be vegan. For a variety of reasons, some of us just aren’t able to be. Most normal vegans accept this and don’t worry about it, but the fundamentalist ones have been known to harass people with various conditions not conducive to being vegan.
For example, some of the more fundamentalist vegans will demand that bipolar people not take their meds because they contain lactose. They also go so far as to try to take away service animals, saying they are “enslaved”. These are just a couple examples.
From personal experience, I have problems absorbing iron so I have to eat a lot of it in order to avoid becoming anemic. The pills don’t work at all. So my diet has to include red meat. Not only am I not obligated to become vegan, I’m not physically able to.
Thing about fundie vegans is that you can never be sure if they’re the kind of person who is almost certainly going to end up becoming fundie something regardless of what kind of life they have, or if they’re suffering from B-12 deficiency, which has been known to cause people to become unreasonable about everything. Or both.
@Yutolia #62664
I have the same problem. Two years ago, I nearly died from anaemia. Ive had several blood transfusions and iron transfusions. O have taken iron pills and suffered some seriously god awful side effects.
I can't process enough iron from plants alone. I need meat based iron to survive.
OK, thanks for telling me. Think I’ll be having meatballs for dinner, tonight.
Nutters like you make it hard for the good people, who decide to be vegans.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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