S.D. Wells #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

While everybody worries about Covid and the BLM metro-city riots across America, suburban neighborhoods are getting covertly blanketed with 5G small cell towers that are disguised as draping palm trees and giant cactuses. Nobody seems to realize what’s happening, and the few who do are getting banned and blacklisted from Facebook and YouTube for posting anything about it. The World Health Organizations classifies 5G “RF radiation” as a possible carcinogen, and you know what it means when they say that. It means it’s really bad, like glyphosate weed-killer bad. Still, these fake palm trees and plastic cactuses are being installed right next to nice residential homes, just about everywhere.

Parents are freaking out, and for good reason, as their babies and children are exposed to cancerous radiation all day and night, relentlessly, while in their homes and out in their yards. It’s abuse, they say. What’s worse is that another million 5G small cell towers are slated to be erected all across the USA in the next couple years.
Got a fake palm tree or a fake cactus near your home that’s really a toxic cell phone tower? Raise hell with the phone company. Switch to a carrier that doesn’t invade your life with poisons. Doctors aren’t allowed to talk about 5G sickness, so they’ll just call it auto-immune disorder and blame genetics. “I bet this health crisis is inherited. Does sickness run in your family, ma’am/sir?”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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