The distance between Jerusalem and Samaria was 35 miles. I travel that far to Walmart. That's where my "neighbors" shop.
Do people really think the Good Samaritan parable and "love thy neighbor" was about opening the gates for savages living hundreds or thousands of miles away?
So, 35 miles are… over fifty-six kilometres ? Okay, so let’s look up a radius on a map to contextualise it..
…as an European, those car-centric urban sprawls in the USA are inconceivable. And yes, I mean it – I cannot imagine the long, draining distance my mother drove me from and to the rehabilitation clinic after the pancreatitis as a routine shopping trip !
This was long before the invention of cars, you idiot. And even more importantly, you completely miss the point, you ignoramus, of the Samaritans and Judaeans being a deeply embittered rift, yet the Good Samaritan helped his hereditary enemy in need when the supposedly most virtuous of his own countrymen would not!
The Discord informs me that this is a disproportionate distance even by US standards.
What part of the gospel makes you think Jesus wanted selfish idiots to decide who was ‘close enough’ to deserve empathy, sympathy, generosity?
He mostly said that EVEREYONE were his children, and his followers should FUCKING ACT LIKE IT.
I mean, really, you’re going to stand in front of Jesus on The day, and when he asks, ‘Why did you not welcome Amir?’ you’ll look him in the eye and say, ‘He was from pretty far away. Like, thousands of miles away.’
TO Jesus.
Who healed the ROMAN that came to ARREST him.
Yeah, good luck with that.
How often do you walk to Walmart?
More than 1,000 years after Jesus, almost everyone but aristocrats and a few adventurous merchants still lived and died within 100 miles of their birthplace. Many never left their hometowns. So yes, it was normal for people even a few miles away to seem quite foreign.
@Bastethotep #217224
This dude likely lives somewhere rural and very far from anything OR dude lives in an area where Walmarts aren’t allowed (there are some) and so they go to the closest one because they’re trying to prove they’re cooler than the liberals they live around. But 35 miles is not what most of us travel to go to the store. The store I go to is 1.5 miles away, for instance.
@Bastethotep #217224
No, it's not a disproportionate distance, unless you're east coast. Major shopping centers can be 50-60 miles away from a small town, and traveling 100 miles for a once or twice a year shopping trip isn't unheard of, even in these days of online shopping.
Even your J-boy was in Egypt.
With that attitude of yours, if you think there was nothing wrong with him crossing borders you’re in a certain river in that country.
Did Elvis’s manager Col. Tom Parker have the right to live in the US…?!
Yes, and 35 miles (ie 56 km) is a short drive up some of our highways and freeways, I've done 10 times that in one day. But I would consider people in Far North Queensland my neighbours, especially if they suffer from a cyclone or bushfire. Also some refugees fleeing disaster, overseas.
Which is basically what the whole story is about: minority groups and our common humanity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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