“im a survivor and i engage in bdsm to cope and explore my trauma in a safe environment”
you just admitted yourself that you’re retraumatizing yourself. what’s more, you’re retraumatizing yourself… for the purpose of sexual gratification? and your partner is not only okay with it, but playing the part of your assaulter brings them sexual gratification as well? and you’re still gonna argue that it’s a healthy coping mechanism and a healthy sexual practice to be involved in?
if i may proffer my own Hot Take to add onto this excellent post: inasmuch as systemic oppression is a form of continual, lifelong trauma, this is also true of other “kinks” or sexual behaviors that have to do with reinforcing the violence you face as a member of a marginalized group.
tl;dr these forms of oppression all include a facet that attempts to govern your sexuality, which asserting your sexual agency goes against. To a degree, I think this can in and of itself be regarded as a form of sexual trauma. It’s often easier to try to deal with that trauma by turning into a Fun Sexy Thing that you can control, rather than digging deeper into your own pain and its causes.
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