various commenters #transphobia

RE: JK Rowling says she would 'happily do two years in jail' if a future Labour government makes it a hate crime to call someone by wrong pronouns | Daily Mail Online

( RuneOwl )
Imagine the PR disaster that would be for trans activists. There’s no defending literal fascists who would throw a beloved author in jail for simply telling the truth while letting trans rapists run amok.

( WatcherattheGates )
I honestly think the fact she has said this will make it impossible for Labour to enact such legislation.

( Jehane )
Usually, when people start to explain what they would do in certain circumstances, I don't believe them simply because it's easy to say "Oh, I TOTALLY would oppose [insert whatever] and suffer the consequences, yay me", but a completely different thing to stick to that because when push comes to shove, most people tend to step down, and quite understandably so.

I believe JKR is the exception to that and would actually do those two years in jail for "misgendering" some idiot or other. That woman is incredibly badass, never backs down no matter how many threats and insults come her way, and I just love how she gets back at those idiots with witty, snarky comments.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
They would put her in a cell with a violent male too, just to stick it to her.

I know that the Tories are mostly worthless. I know that. But please do not vote Labour back in ever. It could actually get even worse for women.

Do you know how much "euphoria" and "trans joy" it would give male sex perverts to see women jailed for saying no to male sexual fetish?

Labour will make that happen. They're proud to say they will make that happen.

( xy_equals_guy )
If this law comes into effect, I propose that all UK women publicly misgender every autogynephile they can think of on social media. They can't punish us all!

( itsnotaboutewe )
I am willing to go to jail over this issue. I would worry about the cost of solicitors and such but maybe I could crowdfund for that.

Imagine the sheer number of GC women in prison of that happened. Any man with courtroom onset ladyfeelz would think twice before seeking a transfer to the women's estate if it was full of very angry terfs.

( Only_Women_Are_Women )
I fear violent men in wigs would get transferred in just to beat us to death in our cell.



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